The third druk gyalpo was developed on may two, 1928 for thruepang building near the trongsa dzong. in his early education included research of hindi, English languages and the Buddhist literature. he started the training for his father’s royal court docket early learning through the teaching from his father and court representatives, the tradition and driglam namzha. In 1943, when justin was 14, having been awarded the post trongsa droenyer the red headscarf. the royal prince went to kalimpong and then to great britian for further studies. his daddy his majesty jigme wangchuck deeply thought of giving the near future king a broader education.

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After arriving back to bumthang, jigme dorji wangchuck was appointed paralizacion poenlop at the age of 17. in 1952, this individual married azhi kezang chedon and queen choeying wangmo dorji Gongzim sonam tobgye dorji Gongzim ugyen dorji Sherpa penchung pala Azhi kezang choedon, gongzim palden dorji Ugyen dorji who served as he gyadrung to trongs poenlop was later promoted to gongzim once ugyen wangchuck assumed the throne. sonam tobgye dorji took the post of gongzim inside the rein of 2nd full Jigme wangchuck. sonam tobgye dorji’s son palden dorji took the post following your death of his dad. In 1952 the 2nd king passed away giving the throne to jigme dorji wangchuck.

Jigme dori wangchuck was by then properly trained and well-informed by his father and was all set to take the throne. his majesty had a purpose of making a organized govt and to preserve Bhutan’s abundant culture and tradition. His majesty assumed the position of head to state and government (the commander in chief and the ultimate court docket of appeal). The king after obtaining the scarves of kingship in the sacred shrine of zhabdrung participated in three time ceremony in paro.

Large crowd collected including the English official and choegyal of Sikkim. the main city was moved to thimphu together become the long term national capital and built his structure at kazhinag, dechencholing. Sociable Reforms associated with slavery and serfdom he had put in lots of effort to abolish the practice of seftdom and slavery which will had been in country seeing that he seventeenth century.

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