Appreciate yuo Mrs. Chairman. Very well, good morning everybody. I would like to utter my very first salam to the honourable judges, well known teachers and fellow close friends.

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My name is Noor Husna Bt. Ahmad Toha and I’m from the crimson team. The key reason why am I standing up here today is to provide a speech permitted “Islam is the Way of Life”. Above all, I assumed that each one individuals had previously heard the phrase “Islam is the Way of Life” quite often but you may be wondering what does it seriously means? Therefore today, let’s make ourselves clear with it.

Teachers and students, Islam guides from the cradle to the burial plot. It courses us in all respects of lifestyle rather than only prayer and worship. The pattern of life of Prophet Muhammad P. M. U. L is the way of your life of Islam. His 24 hours of life is the perfect model for the individuals to follow before the Dooms Day time.

His method of speech, dresiing, his dealing with the wives, children and folks in general, his sitiing, jogging, sleeping, consuming and even his way in the lavatory are model to us. His dealing because the ruler of the Islamic nation, because the evaluate, as the commander in chief of army, as the head from the family will be examples to adhere to. Prophet Muhammad had when said, “I have left two things with you which will if you hold onto, you will not misguided; The Book of God and my case.

Humans are made to obey The Creator. Following Sunnah will be one of the many methods to show the devotion to Allah, and the most important is unquestionably to be gracious and respectful to Allah’s Messenger as stated in the O Quran in the first phrase of Surat Al-Hujurat meaning, “O you who believe that, do not put yourselves ahead before Kristus and His Messenger, but dread Allah: intended for Allahis This individual Who listens to and knows all things. We can see a lot of scams in the commercial nowadays which is very as opposed to what continues to be taught to us by the Prophet. It is just a compulsary to us to become fair and honest in trading.

Misleading is completely unacceptable. Cheating in business does not benefits anything but it is more likely to provides bad result to our very own life.

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