I experienced traditions shock regarding 7 years back, when I started to be friends which has a Philippine woman. Her name is Christeen Humangnan; the girl was born and raised inside the Philippines.

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This wasn’t right up until Christeen was 14 years older, that the lady moved to the us. She would show me how ruined we are while Americans. She lived in the Philippines with out electricity, a television, and rarely experienced money achievable shoes. Though those persuits are different from ours in the United States, there is one culture she techniques that stood out. It truly is called pagmamano.

Pagmamano is a Filipino lifestyle that has survived the times and foreign impacts. This is the practice of value by seeking an elder’s hand and touches one’s forehead whilst bowing. One usually demands by saying “Mano po. ” Mano po equals “may I’ve your hand please. ” Inturn, the elder blesses the individual.

In the Philippine culture seniors, refer to parents and grandma and grandpa, cousins, or close family friends. Most commonly it is done the moment one visits a family, the moment meeting these people outside of the homes or right after a religious activity. It is also popular among bring kids to their god parents during The holiday season to pay out respect with this custom made.

I found this kind of custom in the Filipino culture to be shocking to me because, I have never seen that done before. I likewise see a lot of children action disrespectfully for their elders through this country, therefore it was a benefit in my eyes to see the aged being respected. Now that I have learned of pagmamano, My spouse and i participate, and also have taught my very own children this is of this culture. We do not make use of it in our own culture, yet whenever we go to my friend Christeen and her family, all of us show enough respect to her and her family by simply participating in pagmamano.

I would say that the value supposition was a little bit an issue once i first learned with this practice. I believed to me, this is not the Philippines, we don’t accomplish that here. After seeing the personalized in person and just how respectful the adolescents are to their parents, I recognized I was wrong.

I was thrilled to learn of that and see the children learning value. You don’t see a large number of American children show this sort of respect. Since cultural relativism supports the theory that there is not any absolute proper and incorrect. Instead, the morals, requirements and behaviours that change among civilizations must be taken into consideration.

I was incorrect to imagine pagmamano must be practiced inside the Philippines. I think it is a great approach to show admiration. At first I think to me personally, that’s weird!

Then, We realized that we do “weird” things also. She thinks some of the issues we perform as “weird, ” once we considered that normal. We just have to agree to the fact we all live together in this country that participates and allows diverse cultures.

I am pleased that I learned of the pagmamano culture, and i also respect this.

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Category: Existence,

Topic: Culture, Essay, Everyday, Life, Their parents, This country,

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