“What is the that means of existence? ” is a question many people ask themselves sooner or later during their lives, most inside the context “What is the aim of life? ” Here are some of many potential answers to this perplexing question.

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The responses are shown to terme conseille in many ways but may be assembled into the subsequent categories: Your survival and temporary success … to live every day like it can be your previous and to make your best at exactly what comes prior to you … to be usually satisfied … to live, head to school, job, and expire … to participate in normal human advancement, or to help the gene pool area of the human race … To progress technological progression, or to actively develop the future of intelligent life … to compete or perhaps co-operate with others … to destroy others who also harm you, or to practice non-violence and nonresistance … to gain and exercise electricity … to leave a legacy, for instance a work of art or a book … to eat … to prepare to get death … to spend lifestyle in the quest for happiness, might be not to get hold of it, but for pursue that relentlessly. … to produce children through sex reproduction (alike to taking part in evolution) …to protect and preserve one’s kin, family, or tribe (akin to participating in evolution) … To get freedom, both physically, mentally or financially … to see the ultimate fortune of humanity to the furthest possible level … to find happiness and flourish, encounter pleasure or celebrate … to survive, like the pursuit of growing old through clinical means … to attempt to have sufficient sexual conquests (as in Arthur Schopenhauer’s will to procreate) … to find and take over every free space in this “game” called lifestyle … to seek and find beauty … to kill or be wiped out.

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Category: Existence,

Topic: Essay, Life, Meaning,

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