The biopshychological approach to Will’s behavior indicate that he’s like he’s because of his brain hormone balance. The chemicals in his brain trigger him to reply violently to pressure. The make up of his inherited genes cause him to be the approach he is and he would become this way regardless of how he was raised. This approach might also claim that he could be changed by drugs to balance the chemicals in the brain. Behavioral Approach: The behavioral approach would signify all of Will’s behavior is learned and he’s a product of his environment.

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He is chaotic because he was probably defeated as a child and as he grew up he discovered to handle his problems through violence. This individual kept up this habit because he was never penalized severely enough to receive him to halt. He learned that he may go to the courtroom and speak his solution of his situations which did not give him any purpose to stop carrying out what he was doing.

He as well learned to never get to near anybody or open up to them. This is learned because some of the people in his life who were supposed to like him experienced abandoned him.

Psychoanalitic Approach: The psychoanalitic approach would indicate that Will’s patterns was from his subconscious mind and were impulses from years as a child experiences. For example , Will was beaten in kindergarten with a bully, afterwards in his existence he views the bully and starts a battle with him. His decision to fight was performed subconsciously via an impulse from a childhood encounter. When he was obviously a child having been also abused by his parents. Afterwards in Will’s life, he often resorts to physical violence subconsciously as a result of his childhood beatings. Humanistic Approach: The humanistic way would state that Will makes his decisions based on free will which is basically a good person. Will certainly is how he is because that is just how he really wants to be. Will certainly does not realize until later on that this individual has to much potential to waste his your life. Will is an overall great person. This really is shown in the in his actions throughout the video, for example , if he decided to maintain working development instead of taking a career with army intelligence because he would rather help people by making casing than get people murdered.

Cognitive Procedure: The intellectual approach would suggest Will is how he is because that is how he sees himself. Will is a well educated guy but for the majority of the movie Will sees himself as a nobody who will improve cheap and stay in the ghetto. When his brains is observed realizes that he provides the opportunity to use his understanding and help to make something of himself. Sociocultural Approach: The sociocultural procedure would declare Will can be how he is because of affects from society. Society generally views people from the ghetto as people that will never produce something of themselves thus he seems the same way about himself. Culture expects people from the ghetto to use violence to resolve their challenges. This is why Will often resorts to violence in tough situations. Society as well does not enable men to spread out up and share their feeling freely. This is why it is so hard for is going to to open up and get emotional.


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