Warner-Lambert Ireland in europe is an international pharmaceutical and consumer items company. Their product collection includes Dentyne chewing gum, Listerine mouth wash and Hall’s cough drops. It was likely to launch Niconil in the market. Niconil was a item that would support smokers who wanted to give up smoking. It was a modern product that that assured to be more efficient than other items which were on the market. In 1989, 30% in the adults reviewed in Ireland. Survey revealed that Irish smokers smoked cigarettes average of 16.

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5 cigarettes per day. Installation pressure of legislation restricting tobacco advertising put pressure on Irish smokers to quit. Niconil was the first product to offer a full solution intended for nicotine habit of smokers.

It was round adhesive patch of 2. 5 inches that contains 30 mg of cigarette smoking gel. Niconil patch successfully helped people who smoke and to quit. 35 mg of nicotine was equivalent of 20 cigs. Although it acquired some side-effects like it triggered skin soreness, sleep disturbance and nausea it promised to be much better and powerful than the other products in the market like Accudrop, Nicobrevin and Nicorette.

However , the prescription nature of Niconil posed superb marketing issues as a health professional prescribed product could hardly be marketed directly to the consumers. It had to be approved by the doctors to their sufferers so that people could acquire it through the pharmacy. The situation highlights how WLI discussed these issues and devised a prosperous launch marketing campaign for Niconil Main Problem

If to selling price the product for par or premium to cigarettes. About what quantity it could be sold. Which usually advertising concept would be best. Should the support programme always be integral component of Niconil. Analysis Niconil was a product that might help cigarette smokers who desired to quit smoking. It absolutely was an innovative merchandise that assured to be more efficient than other products which were on the market. However , the prescription characteristics of Niconil posed great marketing issues as a pharmaceutical drug product wasn’t able to be marketed directly to the consumers. It had to be approved by the doctors to their individuals so that persons could buy it from the pharmacy.

The competition was hard as there were some related products which are available in the market with no prescription. These were some hitting issues which were directly linked to the production capacity of Niconil. A comprehensive analysis of these problems could be done by SWOT Examination Strengths

Rated sixth in the Irish market.

Niconil is the 1st product to offer solution intended for nicotine addiction. Provided a special toll free phone service.

Fewer unwanted effects.


Continue to with unwanted side effects (skin irritation, sleep disruptions and nausea) Needed health professional prescribed.

Promoting restrictions

Not reimbursable product.


Government plans pressurising smokers to quit.

Few opponents in the current market.

Focus on GPs to market their item.


High cost of getting new machine to increase creation.

Patients have to pay “additional” fee to purchase this product. The prescription character created marketing challenges.

They faced competition by Accudrop and Nicobrevin.

Keeping problems in mind, a comprehensive marketing program was created to promote Niconil. This program included advertising through medical publications as it would create understanding about Niconil among the medical fraternity, progress support system, training and promotional materials, direct mailings to GPs, press announcements and circular table group meetings.


1 . Putting aside the above mentioned strategies, some other marketing strategies could also be regarded as like direct visits towards the doctors to create awareness regarding Niconil and placing useful material about Niconil and its benefits in the doctors’ clinics.

2 . It ought to be priced on a par with cigarette as people Devoid of strong dedication to quit smoking cigarettes, a premium selling price might scare some people who smoke and. Perhaps they are really unwilling to pay such high price and present up giving up smokinng.

three or more. Niconil seems to have competitive benefits over the current competitors so try to eradicate side effects and guarantee better cure later on.

4. If the first industry testing turns into successful, WLI might have the ability to argue with governments to let Niconil become “reimbursable”. During that time, a premium value would be able to apply because the government would shell out the dough. Smokers will pay less too.

5. Yet , if down the road Niconil remains to be not reimbursable, WLI can use innovation to boost the price because of better performance.

6. Distinctive logo is too few. Try to lift weights a slogan perhaps is more preferable. Creating deep images in customers’ heads.

7. Successful distribution should be done so that available to every household region.

almost eight. When smokers or people come in the pharmacy, possibly the first merchandise they find is Niconil.


Implementation of the marketing strategies could increase merchandise acceptance for Niconil.


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