Friends and family Assessment, Eating Habits, Depression In The Elderly, Bowel Cancer

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Excerpt from Interview:

He is still deeply in love with his better half, as though he just met her. This individual expresses his love on the daily basics with his wife, with cuddles, kisses, and showers her with magnificent gifts. That they cuddle at night in the great room for a morning of relaxation watching television or perhaps reading. Even though the sexual physical part of all their life because slowed down, that they still do have got a high intimate relationship which can be shown in several ways or expressions.

Worries / Problems

Mr. BP expressed his biggest matter related to aging is being with out his better half one day. He also expressed that he doesn’t want to perish the same way this mother do with Alzheimer’s disease, as it was a horrible encounter for anyone to live with and watch a loved die. It has played on his mind as he has aged, and hitting retirement age. Though for a seventy-year-old man, he can still can engage in a top functioning smart conversation, and has a lot of spunk. For the most part, he lives one day each time, and does not ponder on loss of life, or getting alone or having a disease.

Identification of Potential Demands

Mr. BP suffers from a gentle form of emphysema, and with is disease it perform progress with age, and no treatment at this time. Nevertheless , if Mr. BP could walk in his neighborhood for 15 minutes daily, this would boost his quality of life. According to Hassanein and Narsavage ( 2009) this could build Mister. BP stamina levels and resistance to infections. Stay inside when ever pollution levels are large, and dangerous, remain in doorways with the AIR CONDITIONER on. Mister. BP sociable life must have more activity with others his age group or more youthful, according to Buchman, Boyle, Wilson, Fleischman, Leurgans, and Bennett

( 2009) to assist with lowering the most likely hood of dementia, as his this individual worries that he may end up with Alzheimer’s disease like this mother, this will decrease the probably hood with this happening. Donni, Savina, and Cannella ( 2009). State the important of fiber in the elderly, in order to reduce digestive tract cancer, and other diseases inside the bowl. Since Mr. BP intakes a lot of espresso, and eats a lot of red meat which can be hard on your stomach and colon, it is necessary to incorporate fiber into the diet. This could help with depression, nevertheless way of better greens, and more fruit.

Reference point

Vander Zanden, J., Crandell, T.

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Category: Theories,

Topic: Alzheimer disease, Better half,

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