1 . Executive Summary

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1 ) 1 Summary of the Circumstance

The history of Angostura fragrant bitters strategies the year of 1822, every time a cholera outbreak whipped the citizenry of Estrechez in Venezuela, when the young doctor Johann Gottlieb Benjamin Siegert create a somewhat unhealthy medicine, quite unusual taste, but of proven volatilities effectively alleviate the stomach of his many individuals.

This comprimé was composed of over twenty-five botanicals in abundant organic reserves of the tropical royaume, including fruits, roots, natural herbs seeds, start barking, and agood amount of ingredients in whose name and proportion continue to be, even today, inside the strictest secrecy.

In 1830 a distillery installed and did not consider long to get famous on the continent, earning the gold medal on the World Display in Vienna in 1873.

After the death of Siegert in 1870, the friends and family moved in 1875 to Trinidad and Tobago where there continues today making the Angostura perfumed bitters, preserving their behalf to keep the Venezuelan origin most of their inputs currently, as well as as well the distinct label in four languages and signature of their inventor, whom since then brands it.

Its initial work with was to reduce some stomach ailments. But some additional rewards subsequently found out is that the focused the taste of certain foods and cocktails formulations, which manufactured time go away from sets home and hospital to turn into a common element in bars and kitchen areas around the world.

Today is a treasured ingredient inside the preparation of cocktails and is also used as a seasoning for soups and gravies.

Drops of Angostura perfumed bitters is sold in small bottles of 100 closed circuit and two hundred cc, the most famous and well-liked brand Desfiladero aromatic bitters.

Usually drops in refreshments (G & T, Mojito, Cuba Libre, Pisco sour), classic cocktails like the New york, Champagne Tropical drink, etc . utilized and drinks as LLB ” (Lemon Lime & Bitters) or “Fantasia Rock and roll Shandy, The Chapman, The Gunner.

At the moment in the Colombian market there is not drop bitters, there are nationwide essences bitter which are made by CONDICOM and Productos El Bosque, that make the basic condiments for cooking. These national essences nasty have an alcoholic beverages content of three degrees, making you need to use a more substantial amount of product per cocktail or preparation, unlike drops Angostura aromatic bitters which have a great alcohol articles of forty-four. 7 levels making them more powerful and with 2 or 3 drops per tropical drink is enough to help make the mixture, not only because of its alcoholic beverages content nevertheless the strong flavour of the merged its substances.

The category of biters gives sustainable development in the global market of 4. seven percent in the last a few years (Source: International Wine beverage & Soul Research). Angostura is still the best in this category of bitter.

1 . 2 Crucial aspects of the marketing strategy

We want to always be the unique distributor of Angostura aromatic bitters in Colombia. For this reason, we have to import the product, marketplace and build brand image of “Drops of Estrechez aromatic bitters in the country. Also, position the product as a guide category.

The important thing factors on this marketing strategy are:

Comply with the needs of rules, such as trademark registration and authorization. The trademark enrollment protects the producer (trademark owner) against any wrong use of it by a third; this register is definitely valid for 10 years. The health record may be the guarantee that produces a government institution, which will certifies that the product is match for individual consumption. Section drops Desfiladero aromatic acerbes into two distribution programs, which could be the ON-PREMISE (hotels, restaurants, caffeine shops and bars) and OFF-PREMISE big retail funnel. Define the cities in which the product as well as the strategic transact partners (sub-distributors) through which will be sell. Specify the selling price to the different distribution channels which whereby we will reach the buyer. Develop actions that make image and brand call to mind, such as exercising, competitions of cocktails, sponsor cocktails menu, accompanied by free-press training in every single activity.

2 . Environmental evaluation

Colombia is known as a country with a population of 48, 321, 405 persons (2013 estimations, source: DANE), it is inside the 28th placement in the table of inhabitants composed of 183 countries and has a average population denseness of 42 inhabitants per km2.

For 2013 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Colombia recorded an increase of4. 9%, according to data given by the DANE. Investment and consumption confirmed a great performance. The areas driving development in 2013 were: mining and quarrying (4. 9%); electricity, gas and normal water city (4. 9%); finance institutions, insurance, real estate property and business services (4. 6%); transact, repair providers, restaurants and hotels (4. 3%); Travel, storage and communication (3. 1%).

Supply: http://es.tradingeconomics.com/colombia/gdp

Republic of colombia is the quickest growing economy in Latina America, surpassing the Pacific Alliance (Colombia, Chile, Peru and Mexico). In turn, the region ranked 15th in growth in a sample of seventy five nations.

Supply: world financial institution

The lack of employment rate in Colombia in 2013 with an urban range, in the 13 largest urban centers is eight. 7 percent, the lowest since 1995.

The investment price, the percentage of GDP that the country reinvests, reached twenty eight. 4%, the very best in half a century and the second in the region. Another fact is that the force that is certainly moving our economy is interior. Government usage is growing in rates of 5. seven percent and 4% households. Within the household intake stand acquisitions of sturdy goods, which accelerated through the third one fourth of this is related to the improved productivity of salary and higher level of00 of self confidence.

As for imported spirits marketplace figures in Colombia by categories to December 2013 in boxes of 12 bottles 9 liters every single one, will be:


Amount boxes


403, 189


66, 195


20, 578

Brandy and cognac

you, 532


205, 518


58, 413


1, a hundred and seventy-eight, 758

2 . 1 Strengths and weaknesses


Named #1 in the world (large space vs . competition).

Large concentration and high level of alcohol, making the product more efficient. Strong selling price position (inelastic).

Abundant in heritage and legacy (royal warrant).

The product is usually nonperishable.

Desfiladero will keep a constantly high quality product that will make someones food and drink tested recipes come alive.

Estrechez train persons in the classics, as well, because the revolutionary to make all of them better bartenders and cooks.

Angostura will not see by itself as traditional and old-fashioned, Angostura can exhibit sparkle, passion and attitude, and inject a bit more irreverence. In ten years coming from now Angostura aromatic acerbes will revolutionise the drink industry again and Estrechez will be since popular a food component as Shelter & Perrin’s.

Angostura is one of the most famous brands in the world. The abundant, dark and mysterious liquefied adds a distinguishable color and flavor to all it is creations (adding color and flavor to life).

Weak points:

Low visibility at point of sale (especially ON-PREMISE channel). Consumption

tax payable by the category, increasing the cost.

2 . two Opportunities and threats


Currently in Colombia the food industry (food and drink) is booming, a growth recently and still regarded one of the 4 most important gastronomic destinations in Latin America.

There is no group of bitter in Colombia and would be the initially brand in this category, going into with the most recognized brand in the world. Partnerships with other major soul brands. Relationship with Pernod Ricard and Monin. Improvements made into accessing new market segments.

Partnership with Bartender Guilds and Associations (The Golden Service, BAR) and universities of mixology. Slow foodstuff to cash in on prospect. Currently the non-alcohol cocktails are flourishing.


In Republic of colombia the regulation of alcohol consumption is very strong. Monetary monopoly, departments control the marketing of alcoholic beverages within just its area, to allow or stop the entrance of these kinds of products. Changing landscape of tax structure.

Parallel Operate.

At present in Colombia there are two national brands of “essences of bitter, which can be CONDICOM and Productos este Bosque. Later on when the category of bitter “drops will be develop; international brands reach (Fees Brothers, Nasty truth, Peychaud’s, Bitter Cube, Bittermen’s).

This kind product will not enough well-known in the Colombian market.

installment payments on your 3 Current objectives and satisfaction

The latest objectives are:

Enter the brand in Colombia.

Develop no bitters category.

Generate image and brand awareness to achieve the referent category in Colombia.

The performance in the marketing prepare will be explained in the pursuing sections.

2 . 4 Five forces’ Tenir analysis

Threat of recent Entrants: Capital, economic muscle, expertise, manufacturer, regulation, fees. Power of Suppliers: The Angostura aromatic bitters’ business in Colombia has only one dealer who is the company who produced the product. For that reason, the dealer is extremely prone to the demands and requirements in the market and hold high power. Benefits of Buyers: The consumers of cocktails and food in Colombia are very price hypersensitive, but they want to style new tastes and they are very susceptible to developments. Availability of Substitutes: The acerbes drops have zero substitutes, being a unique flavor enhancer having the ability to marry flavours in the preparation of all food dishes. Competitive Rivalry: the industry of acerbes in Republic of colombia has two local brand competitors, but are not centered bitters (drops), they are essences.

3. Marketing Strategy

several. 1 Segmentation

Even as we mentioned above, Desfiladero Aromatic Acerbes are used to always be added to the cocktails and food to produce new probability of flavor and a whole range of new and special beverages and dishes.

Due to the Angostura Perfumed Bitters’ circumstances as a great alcoholic beverage intended for the Colombian market (according with the requirements from INVIMA), Angostura Aromatic Bitters needs to pay an exclusive tax. Because of this, the price is usually higher than the Colombian rivals.

Angostura Aromatic Bitters’ segmentation is identified in the two next furniture related with the buyer and organization markets:

Segmentation variables for Angostura Fragrant Bitters’ client markets Geographic region

South, north, and central Colombian areas


Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Santa Marta, Pereira, Manizales, Bucaramanga Thickness


Market age

Above 18


Male and female


All. The product has a kosher certification

Social course

Middle, upper middle and top classes

Behavioral occasions

Regular and events

Segmentation variables for Desfiladero Aromatic Bitters’ business marketplaces Demographic

Hotels, eating places, bars, caffeine shops

It does not matter the type

Located in major metropolitan areas in Colombia

Working variables

Customer whom use to beverage cocktails and gastronomy

Purchasing techniques

Accommodations, restaurants, bars and coffee shops who wants to be different, to deliver a different and new drinks age, to offer to their customers a high quality alcohol and non-alcohol beverages. Situational factors

All of us focus both on large or small orders

Personal qualities

You want to serve what ever hotels, eating places, bars and coffee shops (ON PREMISE) and big merchants (OFF-PREMISE)

3. 2 Target audience

According while using segmentation, the Angostura Aromatic Bitters objectives arethe main and rep hotels, restaurants, coffee outlets and pubs, from the key Colombian urban centers, who will serve the middle, uppr middle and upper classes of the populace who will be above 18 years (the minimum Colombian age to get permitted into a people to beverage an liquor beverage).

three or more. 3 Positioning (Value Proposition)

Desfiladero Aromatic Acerbes will position itself while the premier and one of a kind enhanced flavor to non-alcohol and alcohol cocktail and food. This kind of positioning will probably be achieved by leveraging Angostura Fragrant Bitters’ competitive edge: industry experience, creativity possibility and high quality.

Desfiladero Aromatic Acerbes is a top quality product made for people who really wants to have a new flavor encounter related with a non-alcohol and alcohol beverages (new drinks age) and food.

The Angostura Aromatic Bitters’ company is able to employ its great experience and private passion to create a high quality product to develop innovative and new flavored meals and cocktails, for the whole drinks drinkers and those who want to live a new encounter about their food.

4. Advertising Programs

4. 1 Product

Well known and recognized as the leader in aromatic acerbes worldwide; not any bar or kitchen is complete devoid of it. Angostura Aromatic Bitters is a top quality product manufactured from alcohol and others aromatic crops. Unique flavor enhancer (seasoning) for the preparation of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, as well as, virtually any savory or perhaps sweet meals dishes. Sodium and Gluten-Free.

Exported to 150 countries worldwide.

Kosher Qualified.

Tempers the acidity of citrus fruit ingredients for those who are acid solution sensitive (also explains how come Angostura aromatic bitters may settle the stomach). Classified as a foodstuff ingredient in many countries (in Republic of colombia isclassified while an alcohol beverage). Even though the product includes 44. seven percent alcohol by simply volume, each drop is made up of an unimportant amount of alcohol and thus remains non-alcoholic. 100% Vegan.

Because is more concentrated compared to the competition product, Angostura fragrant bitters yields more and their very own cost ” benefit relationship is higher.

Through these features, you want to develop and add value towards the Angostura Fragrant Bitters’ buyers and the manufacturer, in order to be successful in Colombia as the item has had effectively in the world.

The price of the Estrechez Aromatic Bitters make likely to generate revenues to all the several actors mixed up in production and distribution sequence.

4. a couple of Pricing

Although the selling price of the Garganta Aromatic Acerbes is higher than the Colombian competence, because of the taxes and importation costs, their cost ” advantage relationship can be higher: Product

Amount per bottle

Alcoholic beverages by quantity

Drops per jar

Drops per beverage

Cocktails per container

USD per botle

USD per cocktail

Estrechez aromatic bitters

100 cm3

44. 7%

one hundred and eighty



eleven. 4

0. 13

Colombian essences acerbes

148 cm3


266. four



your five

0. 28

The product price is good for the dealers allowing them to have a very appealing profit perimeter:

100 cm3 bottle



% of price

Selling Price by producer to distributor

3. 6

Distributor final price after importance and taxation

5. 5

0. on the lookout for


Selling price distributor to allied marketers

8. 2

3. six


Selling price allied distributors to final consumer

11. four

a few. 2


4. 3 Advertising

Use the original Angostura perfumed bitters’ website to show what the product is as well as some recipes. Build a viral marketing using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest to show the product. Using the mixologist’s network to develop the rand name and product’s uses. Generate Youtube movies in order to massify the dishes that applied the Angostura aromatic acerbes. Createcellular cell phones applications (android and iphone) to common the use of the people to the product and its uses. Help to make a cross marketing between hotels, bars, coffee shops and eating places and all the places where the item will sell, to be able to the people understands the benefits plus they can understand how they can use the Angostura perfumed bitters. Generate contests in each metropolis to require consumers highlighting their creativity to make fresh cocktails applying Angostura fragrant bitters.

The bars, accommodations, coffee outlets and restaurants would make the winner’s cocktail available, about drinks menu for duration of contest, the winners will be adjudged via buyer sales to get cocktail. The winners will take part in a countrywide contest as the Colombian success and take those chance to the “Legends in the Cocktail Universe Tour. Generate learning and e-learning training to teach people the uses of the merchandise. Involve the use of the product in TV specialized food and beverage reveals (free-press). Produce free trials to the launch time, to be able to distribute it across the key restaurants, hotels, coffee shops and pubs in every single main associated with Colombia, to create product identification.

Through these kinds of ways of advertising the Desfiladero aromatic acerbes, we want to obtain consumers greatly to become familiar with the product and its particular uses.

4. 4 Syndication

The Desfiladero aromatic acerbes will have the next logistics to make the distribution:

1 ) The company offers us the product directly from their very own manufacturing plant located at Trinidad and Tobago. 2 . We import the item to our storage place located in Cali ” Colombia. 3. We will have a single distributor for each main city in Colombia. 4. The selling will probably be doing by simply internet, simply by phone through visit right to the client. The dispatching will be centralized from our main storage place and with the app system help, the product will probably be send with each regional distributor in order to be dispatched to each consumer. 5. The key clients could be the restaurants, accommodations, coffee shops and bars located in central and excessive income regions of each droit Colombian cities. 6. All of us will sell the merchandise in chosen big price tag chains in addition to wine and spirits specific stores.

five. Evaluation and control

5. 1 Performance measures

Each of our strategic aims are:

Expand the distribution simply by placing items in:

50 stores (OFF-PREMISE)

15 wine beverage and spirits specialized retailers (OFF-PREMISE)

1, 400 on the ON-PREMISE nationwide.

Sale of 80% of first import by year 2015 (4, 896 bottles through the year).

We will examine our advertising plan in respect with this kind of metrics, as well external and internal: External metrics



Market share every volume

Angostura fragrant bitter amount of bottles sold versus total bottles of essences acerbes sold Business per value

Desfiladero aromatic nasty total USD sold compared to total CHF of principe bitters distributed Market share every customers

Angostura aromatic bitter total customers vs . total bitters’ customers Client satisfaction

Surveys comes from 90% of total Desfiladero aromatic bitter’ customer (hotels, restaurants, bars)


Percentage of customers who also changed to the competitors


Percentage of shoppers who received on time and full the deliver


Number of courses dictated

Internal metrics



Financial desired goals

Percentage of financial desired goals accomplish by simply period

Employee pleasure

Interior survey benefits

Skill levels

Understanding of the product and its particular uses


Number of fresh learning and e-learning study course created.


Number of new recipes created.

5. 2 Evaluation procedures

The evaluation types of procedures we can do to do the performance steps are: Studies

Direct customer and channels control visits

Statistical drinks consumer

Statistical offers

Statistics presence of the product in customers.


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