A defieicency of healthy life-style has significantly contributed to marketing and is becoming key point of modern lives. Today many businesses claim potential health benefits by tea having.

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Consequently, big suppliers concentrated on the wellness awareness of buyers and have located their marketing plans to maximise this potential. As an example, Tetley has teamed up with St . Ivel and Warburtons to develop a site aimed at healthy living. In 2002 PG Tips’ packaging has become redesigned to stress healthy’ characteristics of tea.

It shows the consumer that tea is an antioxidant source. Antioxidant in tea, so-called flavonoids’, are apparently vital for a healthy diet. On the other hand, researchers from the University Dental care Hospital of Manchester have found out that certain teas [especially herbal tea] may eliminate teeth by dissolving enamel [Published in the Journal of Dentistry and Daily Mail 19/11/2001]. In addition to emphasising health issues, KJM foods will separate by making use of another man need: rest and tranquility. The pace of a lot more accelerating and nowadays many people grumble about very fast and frantic lifestyles.

People in today’s world barely have any moment to relax or perhaps be for themselves. Advertising messages should play upon this lack of time and freedom and emphasize on the relaxing ritual’ of brewing tea and enjoying a cuppa’. In respect to Mintel, consumers are significantly willing to pay pertaining to products and services which provide them with even more free time and which make lifestyle easier. There exists an overall pattern to be discovered: one uses a salary cut back in order to have more hours, or movements into suburbs to live less busy, people escape into characteristics, explore the field of Yoga’, be a part of Relaxation classes’, do Aromatherapy’ and so on.

SOUL’ tea correctly fits into this new lifestyle pattern and its advertising and marketing and the labels will stress SOUL’s relaxing character and explain that different infusion times could have different effects. For example , their packaging will instruct to increase infusion time in order to change the normal effects of tea into firmly relaxing and soothing effects. This is a distinct segment the different big brands are not taking into consideration at present.

The Brand Steerage Wheel’ simply by Icon Company Navigation Limited. according to appendix four summarizes the required perception of SOUL by simply its target groups. It shows almost all aspects of the brand’s id and will be found in this record as a future-oriented positioning system supporting to push KJM’s advertising copy technique.

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