In the play No Good Friday, the main character can be Willie Seopolo, the scholar in the township. He has realized that though he is informed, he will struggle to advance socially and monetarily because of the colour of his skin.

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His dreams and hopes disappear as he realizes that they now mean practically nothing, it was a waste of time to dream to begin with. There is no social mobility plus the blacks have no rights. This individual refuses to take up this mindset and to recognize fate. I favor to view Willie as a tragic hero rather than a tragic determine.

A tragic hero can be defined as a great honourable character with a fatal flaw that eventually leads to his destroy. Willie’s fatal flaw was his desire to live a fair life without restrictions. He resented the simple fact that the white wines were in control and wished to be remedied equally. He was admired by people of Sophiatown for being educated. They will looked up to him and held him in excessive esteem.

Because he was knowledgeable he was capable of view selected issues via a different perspective. Unlike the typical residents of Sophiatown who have simply accepted their sociable reality, he stood intended for change and equality. Right from the start of the perform it is realized that Willie will not accept the status the fact that dominant white wines have directed at him.

Once Guy talks about to Tobias how he or she must behave yes baas, simply no bass, thank you bass even if he kicks you in the backside’ Willie gets raise red flags to and shouts Stop it, damn you! ‘. It truly is evident that Willie is usually angry and discontented along with his current location. Although he does not acknowledge it, he has no decision but to live with it. As a result he feels an overwhelming unhappiness loneliness melancholy, despair’.

He made a mistake believing that education was an escape. He realizes that even if he’s educated, he is no one because of his epidermis colour. This kind of rude waking up brings around a feeling of anger and pessimism Bloody Ass! That’s what actually of M. A. All that he ever before hoped and dreamed for was not possible. He is tired of being intelligent because he knows it means practically nothing.

After Tobais dies, Willie feels an overwhelming amount of guilt, shame and grief I’m tired of my whole life. Everything! The dreams that Tobias had to get himself great family told him from the dreams that he had if he was a child. He hated Tobias because he was packed with dreams that might never become fulfilled.

Following Tobias’s funeral it is almost like Willie says farewell to his individual hopes and dreams. He is unable to create to Tobias’s family, incapable of fulfilling his only goal as being knowledgeable in a township. He is made more aware that the racisme system is inescapable and even more unwilling to accept it. Willie then simply has a good urge to complete something about the specific situation.

He is sick and tired with seeing men with hopes and dreams carried out in coffins, he is tired of the oppression. He can aware that thought of going to the police would merely bring about fun but he does it anyway. He allows go of his take great pride in with the false hope of achieving an objective. When the law enforcement officials simply giggle at Willie he is more angered and frustrated by the case.

The police happen to be Shark’s protectors and are just concerned with apartheid laws, not really criminal regulations. This is satrical in the sense that apartheid laws are felony and inhumane. Willie’s position does not match the interpersonal reality.

His friends refuse to stand up coming to him against Shark. They observe what he can doing nonetheless they do not recognize it. That they let Shark kill him and do not make an effort to stand against him.

Willie dies while using sense that he has nothing to live for plus the hope that he will cause a change. Willie does not look at himself being a hero. Infact, rather than as being a selfish hero, I watch Willie as a general selfless tragic hero. He could not have been completely sacrificing his life intended for selfish causes because he would not benefit from them. He assumed that it will serve as a great awakening to people around him and maybe change their mentality.

He may not have fulfilled his purpose since the mindset of the persons in the township might not transform, but he died while using idea that he’d cause a transform. For this reason Willie is a tragic hero. Fugard Athol, Township Plays, Advantages by Dennis Walder, Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, 99

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Category: Character,

Topic: Good, Tragic hero,

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