The planet that we stay in can form or transform a person’s persona to whom theybecome. This is certainly one of the depictions in the a single act enjoy “Am We Blue, ” written by Beth Henley.

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This play shows the two key characters, Steve Polk Rich and Ashbe Williams, of havingvery several influences and incredibly different personalities, however their various personalitiescome collectively, and they understand how influenced they really are by way of a surroundings and by eachother.

Ruben Polk and Ashbe come from very different sociable structures.

Steve Polk, that is ashy, square minded seventeen year old son, attends school as a freshman and is also ina fraternity with his close friend. Ashbe yet , is a very blunt, eccentric 14 year old lady.

She a girl with horn rimmed eyeglasses, and non-stop chitchat. She attends secondary school, and to Ashbe, having the right friends means acceptance in today’s world; However , she is considered a great outcast valuable only penalized teased and ridiculed by the very group by which the lady wants to become accepted.

In comparison, Ruben wants to become accepted by his fraternity brothers, however John doesnot want to experience rejection pertaining to thinking or acting against the crowd, and admits to Ashbethat it was his buddy that convinced him into joining the fraternity. As opposed, Ashbe is a freespirited artistic individual, whom believes in articulating individuality. If she is placing bluefood colour in Steve Polk’s rum and softdrink, making newspaper hats, or perhaps stringing Cheerios together tomake a necklace, Ashbe conveys her very own individuality, and by doing this the girl tries to demonstrate him how important being him self truly is, and connections the solitude which infuses them both.

John Polk and Ashbe as well come from several families constructions. John originates from avery limited knit family members that owns their own soybean farm, fantastic father expectations he will attendbusiness school and help manage the family business. However , Ruben wants to make a move elsewith his life. Once Ashbe requires him what dose this individual want to get, he stated “I how to start. Iwanted to become minister or something good, but We don’t actually know easily believe in God”(1971).

John wants to be “a minister or something great. ” However , his complications in life are breaking hisspirit and his opinion in Our god disappears when he fills his life with immoral functions, like running anddrinking in the fraternity. John also said “I under no circumstances used to stress about being a failure. Now I thinkabout it all time. It’s simply I need to do something that’s … fulfilling”(1971). David does notbelieve managing the soybean plantation is rewarding. Even though this individual does not need to work on thefarm, John feels obliged into producing his dad happy. As opposed, Ashbe comes from a brokenfamily and lives in a messy run down flat with her father, who leaves her home only. Shehas hardly any contact with her mother and sister that live in Atlanta, and expresses her lonelinesswith the imagination she learned from her mother. Ashbe tries to support John explore his ownambitions and not enable others to make his plans for him.

John is actually a custom towards the fast lifestyle “of get-togethers, booze, honking horns”(1962), and realizesthe adult world harnesses ahead, and concludes that life on the soybean farmville farm is different fromfraternity life. He soon locates himself at a crossroads when his fraternity brothers get him a FrenchQuarter prostitute since an 18th birthday present so that he can become a gentleman. He is verynervous and anxious about conference her, and exercises poor judgment by simply saying “Oh, God, Ineed to get drunk”(1964). Steve resorts to drinking alcohol if he thinks about his problems, and drinks liquor throughout the perform to escape by his worries. In contrast, Ashbe is a sociable person, and she isn’t very afraid to tell people the truth about themselves or perhaps the situation that theymight maintain. Ashbe is definitely quick to tell John Polk what she thought of him when they had been arguing atAshbe’s house. She had known as him a sheep pertaining to his your life was already drew out for him, evenbefore he was born, then when his father passes away he will inherit the family me llaman beam farmville farm.

She also named him a sheep pertaining to following what his brother did and doing what his fraternityfriends want him to do. David Polk acquired too much effect from his family, therefore creating hispersonality like a sheep’s. Ashbe likewise said in an argument with John, that he is just in thefraternity because it is anticipated of him. John in that case resents the comment, yet moments later on herealizes he is being normal. Ruben stated “About me, you were right. I i am a lamb, a normal 1.

I’ve been looking to get out of it but I’m since big a sheep because ever”(line 1971). John is aware he doeswhat others expect. He says he can not deny wanting to turn into normal. John does not desire toexperience denial for pondering or behaving against the audience. She would like him being himself andnot try to fit in with everyone else. David soon after realizes Ashbe is correct, and the so calledfraternity friends only collection him up with the prostitute because it was cool move to make. By JohnPolk not going to the prostitute, he shows how he cares about Ashbe and not what the fraternityguys think. For the first time, John Polk does not follow the crowd, and he chooses to follow hisown heart. Becker Henley was born May 8, 1952, in Jackson, Mississippi, the daughter of an attorney and an celebrity. Early on your woman dreamed of becoming an occasional actress, and to that end she earned a B. Farrenheit. A. at Southern Methodist University in 1974. While at the SMU, the lady wrote her first play, the one-act Am I Green, which was created at SMU’s Margo Williams Theatre in 1973.


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