“A Take pleasure in Song to get Bobby Long” written by Grayson Capps and “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” written by TS Eliot remind the field of men whom struggle with the demons of life. The small voices in your head saying “I don’t think you can do that. ” These kinds of voices make you doubt your self and your abilities. They take the life out of you, and cause you to wonder if you have even a purpose here at earth. At this point let’s take a deeper check into these poetry and tightly analyze their very own similarities and differences.

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Bobby Lengthy, a good-looking football prospective client who had the skill of excellent acting, was a man who was known for wasting his skills and making the wrong decisions. He chose a “road fewer traveled”: a path through life that lots of people tried to avoid. He was a drunken old man who have looked back in life, certainly not because he may change his decisions, nevertheless because the people around him wish he previously made better ones.

Years complete, and he finally realizes how his poor decisions led him to the black hole he’s now trapped in. A hole dug so profound that this individual can’t observe outside of that. It’s all dark about him and he seems all his problems will probably be solved if he is finally six toes under.

Prufrock won’t build the courage to go up to someone he likes, but only because he lacks Charisma. He does not have the assurance needed to get and be the courageous guy he was previously. He can will no longer find what he demands or desires and he feels it’s the end of the world, with no wish left in him. He realizes he is reaching a point where he is definitely coming to anempty closure. He wants the answers to his unknown questions but he second guesses his every move. Does the girl like me? Does she certainly not? These queries linger in his mind nevertheless they will never receive answered because he never develops the valor to tell the women he enjoys or admires. Instead, he just gets wrapped up in the scent of their perfume as well as the sound with their voices, in back of their obscured face. He realizes nonone is perfect and everybody makes mistakes However , this individual wants to find out his own and amazing things why having been possessed with unfortunate incidents. He merely wants answers. Answers to questions this individual doesn’t even have the bravery to ask…

In both equally poems, the main character, or speaker is referring to themselves as a low life failure. They may ever build the courage to face their particular inner demons. They by no means realize their very own true skill, instead only doubt themselves, even when persons give them kind comments that come in the heart. In their eyes, they will under no circumstances be good enough. They will by no means be the perfect husband, nevertheless instead, only the weird gentleman everyone take into account and laughters at.

In Bobby Long’s love tune, he realizes he just isn’t the ideal spouse; however this individual still womanizes the women and doesn’t attention, as long as this individual never gets sexually irritated. However , Prufrock struggles with even nearing a woman. His nerves get the best of him and he simply cannot build the courage to approach her and aska her difficult question. Bobby Long problems with the distress of not being able to pick attributes (between satan and Goodness. ) This individual suffers from the struggle of being able to associated with right decions, or which in turn to follow. Prufrock struggles with his inner devils. He is his biggest adversary. He triggers himself to suffer and maintain wondering. Wondering why he could never become the leading position in his own life. This individual wonders so why he could never become “Prince Hamlet. ” Then realizes could be he merely was never meant to include that position.

In Bobby Long and Prufrock’s life, they doubt their capacity to be great. They believe that they have come to the end worldwide therefore why try? They are giving up in life just because of a few wrong doings and bad decisions. They will never be satisfied with themselves right up until they are gone forever, or dead. Regardless of other people look at them, they will both believe that they were hardly ever meant to be the star of their OWN life, nevertheless instead a task player who also no one genuinely pays focus on.

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