In scene 1 inside the play Adika was killed during displaying, Adika complies with his fatality, he was short four occasions for standing for the fact and to make things worse, with a kinsman, that they followed him to his grave and desecrated it. The old few Doga and Nina happen to be murdered in cold blood vessels by Mulili, an agent of the oppressive program. This is because that they disagreed with him and as a result he gets some party favors. Kabito is killed in cold blood vessels after different with Mulili over a tender supply of milk to Kafira University.

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In Prison Askari, claimed that he wiped out a man where Mosese and Jere will be in also to him is a heroic action. Doga and Nina’s boy, Jusper, killed chagaga(sub-chief’s brother) and Jusper was found dragging the entire body to the river and when research online commenced it was stated that, the body was found presently there and jusper himself revealed that this individual did the crime. IMPUNITY

This identifies a situation where one can do anything without fear of becoming punished.

In Kafira state officials led by simply boss are certainly not accountable to individuals Mulili’s patterns portrays impunity when he talks aimlessly and he is not really worried about the results so long as employer is in the side. Boss’ words will be final and no one can invert what he says, he regulates by instilling fear in to everyone. People who oppose him and speak out like Mosese and Jere happen to be taken in yet others are slain.


It is wide spread in Kafira and it is pactised by point out officials, all of us also have cases where members of the public engage in chaotic acts. Following Jusper déclaration that he killed Chagaga, he mafia attacked him violently. They will threw pebbles at him until this individual fell straight down, after slipping people leaped away thinking he was lifeless. In prison cells, assault is used to silence government critics and aby work of identified subversion is crashed ferociously at the initial opportunity. Askari seems to have enhanced this and confesses that he had murdered someone inside the cells. “I have when killed a person in this extremely cell. We all also see that Regina was beaten up by military, forcing her to give phony evidence against Masese. “Brutes! Murderers!

Beat up my faithful sister right up until she dropped hearing in a single ear. How come beat a female? Why failed to they beat me?  The fatalities that occur in the perform are as a result of violent episodes. Adika, Chagaga, Mulili, Kabito and the old couple Nina and Doga are all strongly killed. Assault is also found in Kafira to silence those who are vocal towards the dictatorial Routine and there seems to be for sure in sight. Jusper alludes towards the existence of violence if he says, “They come silently when you are least expecting these people and before you realize this, they have pounced on you just like hungry leopards. 



Electronic. g. “Like caged pets or animals, we approach but just inside the cage. This is when Tumbo is showing Nicodemo they can be defenseless in the face of numerous eliminations in Kafira. The image of caged family pets stirs the minds to see the predicament the people of Kafira are in. It brings out the idea of clampdown, dominance and negative governance. CROSS-PURPOSE

When a couple are chatting at cross-purpose, they don’t understand each other being that they are usually concentrating on different things. The type of play that Jusper considers is different as a result Tumbo believes of therefore the two are speaking by cross-purpose. The moment Jusper requires Nina in the event that he can get and confess, she says “Yes my kid, go and set on a clean shirt then you can confess. Nina would not know that he wants to concede, since he killed Chagaga. She explains to Doga, “He thinks this individual has wiped out you Doga thinks in any other case, “It was his close friend he believed he had killed. 

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