Description of Tiger Sharks

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Information about Gambling sharks is definitely rare in books and so most of this paper will be about sharks in general. The Tiger Sharks Latin name is Galeocerdo cuvier. Sharks are a part of the seafood family. You will find over 350 species of fishes. Sharks can be as big as 49 feet long (whale shark) and since short since 6 inches (cigar shark). Sharks bodies do not have bone fragments, but have the fibrous connective tissue cartilage instead. They have pointed minds with five gills behind it. Sharks have got very razor-sharp teeth which might be replaced whenever they lose pearly whites. Sharks pores and skin can be reddish brown, dureté, metallic green or nearly black, though most of them are gray. A few have locations, bands and marbling. All their skin is definitely leathery and covered with small pointed scales that happen to be so sharp that in the event that petted in the opposite path can actually hurt your hand.

Sharks have great senses. Their eyes are hypersensitive and can even observe in dim light. All their sense of smell is definitely outstanding. They also have senses that humans tend not to. Sharks may feel when ever other things are around them. As well, they have internal organs on their snouts which inform them when different fish are about. Sharks will be known to take in every beast in the sea including their own kind. A few sharks consume only plants and plankton. Others like live food. People have discovered very uncommon things in sharks stomachs such as hooves of deer, horses, dogs, cats, goats and human corpses.

In contrast to bony seafood which put hundreds of ova at one time, fishes litters are smaller. Several sharks have as few as two offspring at any given time. Bony seafood babies are born small , and puny. Shark pups happen to be born fully developed and therefore are ready to eat the foods that full-grown fishes eat.

Some of sharks actions are interesting and understood. Various other behaviors remain mysterious. For instance , sharks strike when they are hungry. But so why they attack when they are not hungry, we do not find out. They may attack for defense, because they presume humans will be food, mainly because they smell blood or perhaps because that they smell or sense chemical substances that are interesting to these people. While people may think that all sharks are dangerous, no more than 30 species are considered dangerous, including the Tiger Shark. Even if sharks do attack, the victims ordinarily do not die in any case.

Where Fishes Live

Sharks are found in all of the of the realms oceans although most of them prefer to live in exotic waters. An extremely few types live in oceans as chilly as the Antarctic Marine. Sharks live at all absolute depths of the seas. Because sharks are so adjustable there are many of all of them around the world, surviving in all of our oceans.

Interesting Facts About Tiger Sharks

# Shark eggs include stings attached to them. The strings connect onto corals or ocean weed so the egg will not drift off. All baby sharks are called pups. Sharks will be one of the old species of animals and have been on earth for about 3 million years.

# Sharks only natural predator is sharks.

# Unlike bony fish, fishes do not have atmosphere bladders therefore if they will stop going swimming, they will kitchen sink to the underlying part.

# The largest organ inside the sharks person is its liver. Sharks might survive without food for a long time because they will live off of the oil with their liver.

# People employ many products that come via sharks including oil, vitamin supplements, fertilizer and leather. A lot of people also like to gather shark jaw structure and your teeth. Shark various meats is becoming a far more popular foodstuff in the United States.


# Gilbert, C. & Gilbert, G. 1996. Grolier Electronic Submitting, Inc.

# Katz, N. Comptons Online Encyclopedia. 95 Comptons NewMedia, Inc.

# The Gambling Shark. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Creature Life. 1961, Vol. doze, p. 1412.

# The Tiger Shark. Zoo Catalogs. 1993. Interested Facts About Fishes.

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