Sisa ran quickly home, baffled. She feared that the city guards may have busted his boy Basilio currently.
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When your woman reached house, she saw the two municipal guards leaving with simply her hen. She attempted to walk previous them but the civil protections caught her and demanded to know where her kids are. Sisa begged the guards pertaining to mercy, saying she does not know where her sons are neither does your woman have the coins they are accusing Crispin of stealing. Without other recourse, the city guards forcibly brought her back to the barracks. Sisa, to extra her from humiliation, begged them to in least allow her a lot of distance between them.
The civil guards appreciated, giving her a distance of 20 steps. They eventually come to the barracks and Sisa was locked up. Not wanting to trouble themselves of inquiring about her, no-one bothered to report to the alferez. After two hours, the alferez, rival of the curate, ignored Father Salvi’s allegations against her and ordered her to be freed. Sisa hurriedly ran home once again nevertheless did not get Basilio.
Your woman ran to Tasio the Sage nevertheless he was not home. Naturally, she went home and upon coming into the shelter, she did find a piece of torn and bloodied cloth coming from Basilio’s clothing. She cried out for her children over the night.
Come morning, Sisa can be seen cheerful and talking to everyone.
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