The book of Judges is the sequel to Joshua.

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It is the 7th book in the Old Legs. It recounts stories and events through the death in the hebrew leader and prophet Joshua towards the birth of the hebrew Samuel. That is around, from the end of the Arabic conquest of Canan inside the 13th Century B. C to the begining of the monarchy in the 14 th hundred years B.

C. It tells about the hebrews from Joshuas Loss of life to the moments of Samuel. It had been written in about 550 BC, in tablets called the Ras Shamra tablets. The Nivel Shamra tablets where later discovered in the first 20th Hundred years, even though the reports and acountings of the idol judges where previously known and written.

The book of All judges belongs to a certain historical tradition which is called the Deuteronomic background. The author of the book of Judges, was at exile in Babylonia. Whilst in exil he was deeply concerned with international domination. So he wrote many of his stories within the migration with the tribe of Dan to the North and the sins from the Benjamites.

The author emphasized that Israel was being inspired by overseas powers plus the loss of freedom and success. Recurring over the book is definitely the stereotyped solution: The people of Israel would what was wicked in the sight of the master. Then following each period or subjection the author introduces another formula: But when the people of His home country of israel cried our creator, the Lord increased up a deliverer to get the people. Through-out the book, the publication of judges tells about prophets, rulers and influencial people just like: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tilian and Samson.

You can also get many more minimal people.

The name of the book is very misleading, because there werent any judges at all, nor any all judges notified of this book been written. The term Judges was really a translation for the hebrew word Shofet which in turn signifies a ruler or a great armed forces ruler, which will through out the book, influencial people such as Samson and or even Joshua are referred to as the Idol judges. The book of judges is supprisingly part of the book of prophets, because many prophets will be mentioned and reported apon.

The stories get started with the discord then end usually together with the resolution. The resolution can often be the Israelites asking for Gods forgiveness.

The structure of the book of All judges is quiet complex. The creation of the conquest of Canaan and a characterization in the period of the judges.

The main human body of the publication consists of narratives about the judges. The book proves withe nutritional supplements about the migration from the tribe of Dan for the North and about the sins of the Benjamites.

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