Imported technology, in context from the statement, identifies machines which are not indigenous towards the Caribbean. These types of machines let little or no manual effort used in order to finish tasks. The moot suggests that, these systems have advanced Caribbean financial systems only a little bit.

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Imported technology has not partially improved Caribbean economies. It includes immensely increased economies of the Caribbean. A large number of Caribbean island destinations depend on tourism as a market, and technology plays and integral function in improving this market.

Technology can be described as massive promoting media. Promoting of the island destinations is done through television and radio commercials, the Internet through web pages as well as brochures, which are printed simply by machines. Technology has without a doubt fostered the enhancement with the tourist industry. Technology through tourism offers aided in generating revenue for the islands.

Technology has made the Caribbean famous. Financial economical institutions also have taken good thing about imported technologies to meet the needs with their customers. Folks no longer need to wait in lengthy queues to become served by unfriendly individual tellers to withdraw or deposit payments. Technology has turned it likely to have Automated Teller Devices (ATM’s), mobile phone banking, offshore banking and credit and debit cards – the use of digital cash. From this new age of business, technology is what makes an improvement.

The use of technology in advertising promotes economic development through the consumption of goods and services. The systems employed to boost this development are web commerce, the getting of goods and or services with the use of digital cash, and web pages. Allows not forget the greater ancient, yet somehow still technical ways of advertising and marketing, the television and radio. Moreover many businesses have realized the efficiency of technology and thus have taken steps to handle their businesses by using accounting and workplace systems that are technologically driven. Technology has created jobs.

Every man made things are not long term and they breakdown and endeavors are made to deal with them. This produces jobs intended for television; a radio station and appliances for the home repair males. Technology has also created jobs for advertising experts in tv set and radio. One should not forget the i . t sector, which is now developing quickly.

This sector has produced many jobs such as info entry man or women, systems experts, programmers, pc technicians, and suppliers of hardware and software. Jobs are created and these individuals are now able to provide for their particular basic needs of lifestyle. It is quite evidential that technology has played out an essential role in the improvement of Carribbean economies.

The role technology has played out is definitely familiar, vast, huge and not little.

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Category: Economics,

Topic: Digital cash, Goods services, Impact, Technology,

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