Stedman Graham, the widely accepted author, public speaker and businessperson said, “When you have a sense of your own identity and a eyesight of where you would like to go in your life, you then have basis pertaining to reaching out to the world and pursuing your dreams for a better life. ” I have imagined a better existence for my countrymen who have are living under the poverty collection in Myanmar and it is my own goal to develop better homes and communities for them to live in and treasure.

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I have were living closed towards the slum areas and I want to do something to get my countrymen who have suffered with human legal rights abuses, low income, high prevalence of lawbreaker rate and inadequate facilities as a result of poor government requirement, economic mismanagement and data corruption. There is a great need to reduce the living conditions of the people in Myanmar. This is a dream and an interest that I intend to pursue following the completion of a graduate program in Urban Planning, Community and Financial Development.

Because an international college student who came from a third universe country, I am so fortunate to be given the opportunity to study in the us of America. I i am currently around the final season of my own Bachelors level in Structure. During my training, I had a summer internship work experience for a building where I was exposed in designing homes, buildings and environment, modifications of existing structures, and restoration of old houses.

We have worked well closely with clients and officials to make sure that their needs, specifications and requirements are attained. In this job, I have learned about the complex process of designs and building, the value of next details, conference time deadlines and economical budgets, and making immediate and right decisions whenever problems happen. With the help and direction of my superiors and professors, I possess prepared and presented style proposals for the clients, discussed with technicians and suppliers, worked with designers, surveyors and other professionals, completed defect inspections, and made site visits to evaluate the progress of the tasks to ensure that almost everything is working within the agreed timescale.

I use also perfected the use of Auto Cad, 3 DIMENSIONAL Studio Utmost and Paving material Photoshop application in designing and task management. The architecture studio classes include enhanced my own skills designing. I will be applying what I have discovered in my category when I work with an honor project next semester where I am going to design and style a paper shelter intended for the destitute using egg cartons and recycled documents. My commitment to my personal studies and my hunger to learn more about community development led me to render my own volunteer providers to the country communities.

I’ve worked in increasing eco friendly access to secure water to be able to reduce water born conditions. This was completed through correct supervision from the construction of rain enthusiasts, hand-pumps, water storage ponds and friends and family latrines. This was a very enriching experience for me personally because I had fashioned a chance to speak to people in the community and understand the difficulties that they are going through. I use also taught them regarding the importance to stay their natural environment clean, taking care of the environment and properly keeping our natural resources including water supply.

Finding people take pleasure in the simple solutions that we have presented meant a lot for me. We became influenced to learn more to be able to serve my country simply by planning and implementing assignments that are intended for the improvement from the welfare and quality of life of my countrymen. Other than doing architectural related jobs, We also would a lot of volunteer work in tutoring a few international pupils at the academy, being a camp counselor by a summer sports program, and representing a foreign nongovernment organization in the United Nations rassemblement. I was recently appointed while UN assign and on January 2008 and I will be attending the UN briefings.

My spouse and i am as well going to compose youth related topics pertaining to the Southeast Asia centered NGO boost them of the meetings together with the UN delegates and quest personnel. My own scholastic successes, knowledge, encounter and direct exposure in school job, internship companies and extra-curricular activities as being a delegate to United Nation serve as a building block to arrange me to perform a important task. Becoming a foreign student in a nation that is a lot different from Myanmar is a great challenge but I possess managed to surpass in my studies. I have performed a lot of adjustments and i also have appreciated learning and sharing nationalities among my classmates. My own exposures have made me witness the economic progress of some countries.

Each project is not easy but it really has heightened my desire to build a easy, equitable, healthy, efficient, socially and environmentally sustainable homes and residential areas for those who are residing in depressed areas. The desire of contributing to the progress of my country will not begin by being an you. My dream of working for an improved future for my countrymen will begin after completing my graduate study in urban planning with specialization in economical and community development.

I know that urban planning is usually concern with the ordering and design of funds from the informelle siedlung habitation for the largest urban centers. It explores several areas of the interpersonal environments in the communities. Since the university where I i am currently signed up for does not give a degree in Urban Preparing, I decided to analyze Architecture in order to be involved in the housing creation program intended for the poor to address the country’s economic and community development agenda. My personal background in architecture would provide me with an edge in initially employed in a smaller level of expansion.

After earning a graduate degree, I am able to prepare resources and strategies to talk about the issues that arise coming from community and economic advancement. To achieve positive and tangible changes, we have a need to incorporate economic, social and environmental objectives in community advancement. To be a powerful planner, I must understand the romantic relationship between financial factors and also other community factors such as enclosure, education, health insurance and accessibility.

The choice of taking a graduate student degree in Massachusetts Company of Technology stems from the university and faculty involvement in research projects, seminars, training and advisory procedures that will foster the development and understanding of several issues and practices concerning urban economies and areas. As my personal main goal can be on the improvement of the slum areas, My spouse and i became thinking about the work of Professor Langley Keyes. I’ve lived near the slum community in my country and I wish to learn how to build networks and linkages amongst organizations that could provide inexpensive housing and other services that could be sustained as time passes.

In order to motivate people to improve their living conditions, also, it is important to provide employment opportunities pertaining to the jobless and low income citizens. Family circumstances need to be properly investigated to comprehend their socio-economic conditions. Due to the high costs of poverty and unemployment in my nation, I would like to study the research of Karl Seidman on Community Development and Creating Local Opportunities and Prof. Aixa Cintron to learn about the consequences of the restructuring of well being and housing assistance software on the poor households. MIT is a school that involves students in studies and community investigation of poor and minority family members in city labor marketplaces.

I would like to find out to establish relations with other organizations so I can connect my countrymen with some job opportunities. My research in UBER will provide me personally with the knowledge and experience in creating employment, reducing poverty, restoring the health of the planet, stabilizing neighborhood economies and increasing community control. This is certainly an important function to support the introduction of communities intended for the present and future generations.

Alleviation of poverty would not end with designing and building homes for the indigent persons residing in the slum areas of Myanmar. The task of serving my region may be substantial and overpowering but with my own passion intended for humanitarian operate and my desire to help my countrymen live much healthier and better lives, We am established to reach my goals and become a catalyst of modify for the future generation.

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Category: Economics,

Topic: Community, Development, Economic, Planning,

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