The Kitchen will probably be located in downtown named Key Street.

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Main Street hosts 25 restaurants, which differ greatly. I will be leasing a place of 3, 000 sqaure feet in the Lovinger Building, which is decorated superbly with uncovered brick and a great design. It is in the heart of downtown Libertyville on the Western side of Milwaukee street. I found my personal inspiration to spread out The Kitchen by my vacation to NYC 2 years ago. I actually visited the popular Coffee shop Lalo in Manhatten, which has been also inside the movie You’ve Got Email (one of my favorites).

The Kitchen will offer a place to sit, loosen up, and enjoy the business of close friends. I have typically found personally wanting to visit a place in the late night hour nearby, that wasn’t a bar. The Kitchen will provide a great atmosphere that welcomes one to read the paper, sip coffee, study and enjoy a cupcake or dessert.

We may have extensive hours serving brunch, dinner, plus the night existence. We will be open daily from 8am-3am. Your kitchen will specialize in cupcakes and drinks. The cupcakes will certainly range from a basic vanilla cupcake with vanilla buttercream into a maple bread pancake cupcake with maple cream mozzarella cheese frosting. I will serve different desserts, and our evening meal menu will probably be mostly convenience foods.

We all will offer a comprehensive wine list accompanied by a mood, brunch, evening meal and desserts menu. Weak points The Kitchen might be a partnership. The weakness of the company is the limited cash. Myself and my friend, Wendy, who has comprehensive knowledge managing a cakery, will be co-owners.

We am in a position to provide 30k of my very own funds, she is able to lead 10k plus the rest will probably be loans. The difficulty of this Bistro are the hours. I want to appeal to all packed areas.

Whether it is meetings for function, students studying, friends gathering or anyone wanting a glass or two and treat at night, the hours will probably be difficult, but it will surely be exhausting. Opportunities The Kitchen will be provided a 10k construction scholarhip from the owner of the building Jeff Lovinger. This will help us with the devices, materials, ergonomic chairs and dining tables. He in addition has agreed to delay rent ($3, 900/month) until 3 months following we wide open, which will be very benefitial.

As of 2010 the median home income is definitely $106, 594, with the typical household cash flow being seventy eight. % more than the The state of illinois average. Taking into consideration the location, this will benefit us. We will even benefit from the currently popular evening life landscape. A great part of being a section of the Main Streets Libertyville community are the events held to advertise their small companies. Main Streets is a fantastic supporter of their businesses and in addition they help promote you inside their weekly email blasts, The Patch paper ad’s and the constant occasions held, such as First Fri, which allows get people in your door.


Your kitchen will have several competitions in the area. There exists Lovin Range Cakery, Starbucks as well as many bars about the same street. I think we will be established a part in numerous ways. We will be open earlier and later than most eating places on the block.

We are providing excellent customer service, friendliness and a unique menu. The menu will probably be an appeal to our clients, as well as the ambiance, which will vary from any other restaurant/bakery. SWOT Research of Lovin Oven Cakery Strengths Lovin Oven Cakery has an previously popular identity.

They bring in customers time and time again for their wide selection of pastries, danishes, cakes and cupcakes. They may have incredibly skilled bakers who have design delicious and amazing cakes to get weddings, birthdays, parties, etc . Although The Home will not offer cakes intended for occasions, we aim to draw in a daily crowd with our cupcakes and spirits, that may also offer lunch break all day. Lovin Oven even offers an area to sit and enjoy their treat.

They offer water fountain drinks and espresso. They are really very good, even difficult. Weaknesses I have personally seen, and discovered their poor customer service. They are really not open up on Monday, they close around dinner time, and I have gotten many bread made incorrect to purchase, with no i’m sorry, just justifications. A very good friend of mine manages the Lovin The oven in Libertyville, so I hear about some of the staff getting cared for poorly and having paid suprisingly low.

I want a minimal turn around, and i also will strive to keep my own employees happy and around for the long run.

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Category: Existence,

Topic: Analysis, Customer service, Essay, Swot,

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