Candy’s term has many associations and many which gives us an insight for the inequalities against old persons in American society. Candy on the very simple and textual level means “sweet and pleasing” and shows that Sweets is a very lovely, nice old man. Another connotation that spring suspensions to mind is the fact Candy, the swamper, is definitely a friendly, honest and available man with whom you may talk about anything.

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This is underlined by his name: “candid” means “not covering one′s thoughts, frank and honest”.

But Candy’s name has also a much deeper that means or significance which highlights an inequality in society in that his name- Candy- is a metaphor as much like his name, candies or sweets have a sell-by time. This portrays that in American contemporary society all personnel are expendable or indispensable and after specific time they may be rendered while useless.

The killing of Candy’s doggie is a key metaphor available as Candies the old handyman, aging and left with only 1 hand since the result of an accident, worries which the boss will eventually declare him useless and demand that he keep the ranch.

Although we study that Candy’s dog was at one time an impressive lamb herder, past accomplishments and current mental ties matter little, because Carlson makes clear when he insists that Candy allow him to put the doggie out of its agony, we see this in the line: “He isn’t no good to you…why’n’t you shoot him Candy? “

Candy’s dog serves as a harsh reminder in American society from the fate that awaits anyone who outlives their very own usefulness. This situation also shows an inequality in culture in that world views on their age and incapabilities rather than their values and past achievements. Steinbeck over the novel uses Candy to portray for the reader the inequality of ageism in American in society in 1920. Through his explanations of Candy’s working and living conditions, Steinbeck highlights the frequent make use of discrimination and ageism. Candy is an “old swamper”, who lives in a “bunkhouse”.

His belongings are a “bunk” and “an apple box”. Theoretically, you should treat old people respectfully. In our culture, pensioners have a better life than personnel. However , Sweets is a “swamper” and he could be not cured fairly. The repetition of “old” in Candy’s information also emphasises that his appearance and inability to work as a result of his age group was what many persons judged Candies by. Candies because of his age and disability is an outcast on this hacienda we see this when he will not go into city with the rest of the ranchworkers which usually highlights just how excluded Candies is.

The exclusion of Candy is another indication from the inequalities in American contemporary society in that it had been very ageist and discriminative. In our contemporary society pensioners happen to be treated using a lot more admiration that the average middle-aged operating class resident but all of us learn from this kind of novel that society in 1920 was juxtaposed for this. Candy did not get pension plan or benefits for the federal government; the only sum of money he received was the limited sum of $250 pertaining to the loss of his hand, which will contributed massively to his uslessness. This is an indication in of an inequality in contemporary society as old people were not really valued by government as there were simply no pensions.

Older people were poor in the 1920’s because we were holding seen as useless by the normal people plus the government alike. This indicates that American contemporary society greatly supported the term ‘survival of the fittest’ and assumed people should certainly ‘work right up until they fallen. ‘ Following Lennie leaves the hacienda Candy changes his function and turns into dependent on George: “What we all gonna perform now George? What we going to do now? “

As well throughout the novel we notice Candy’s vulnerability in the ranch especially when it comes to the supervisor. For example we come across in the range: “You will not tell Curley nothing I said? ” that Sweets is in fact anxious of the supervisor and his son and sees that they have the energy to get rid of Chocolate from the ranch and therefore could leave him with absolutely nothing.

Candy is a passive man, unable to have any independent action. Indeed, his one particular major take action in the book – when he offers Lennie and George profit order to buy a piece of area with these people – is known as a means by which in turn he can turn into dependent on them: “An’ I will make a will an’ leave my own share to you guys in case I kick off” This indicates an inequality in that that shows just how vulnerable old people were in American world especially as soon as they got beyond the stage to be able to are no one found them every use.

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