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The War on Medications is thoroughly regarded as a requirement in the present society that has been laden together with the burden of substance abuse, addiction, rehabilitation and improved crime rates because of drug abuse. Battle with Drugs has always been a profound rooted good campaign that has been debated frequently for several years inside the search of your liable answer that can resolve the problem forever. The war on drugs influences every citizen through the legalization of drugs, raising taxes to get the therapy and support of drug users plus the increased standard of crime as a result of drug make use of.

As a result, there is all need for a suitable solution that will completely fix the problem of medication. Liberalization of medication has been suggested as a feasible solution to the war on medicines as it can offer a permanent solution to the medication war. Therefore, the daily news seeks to address how liberalization of drugs is a best solution to the war on drugs.

A solution towards the war on medicines

The War on Medications has been constant over the years with little success because the illegitimate narcotics still remain as a serious problem for the several countries. Drug liberalization have been proposed as being a perfect solution to the war on drugs in the present world which is can lead to tangible effects. Drug liberalization is regarded as a process of eliminating or minimising the medicine related prohibition laws. This policy has become advocated being an effective option and this consists of both procedures of medication re-legalization, decriminalization and legalization.

This remedy also aims at increasing earnings through the taxation of drugs, safeguard the adults’ rights of living their very own lives with no interference from your authorities and in addition reduce crimes as a result of liberalization (Miron & Zwiebel, 2005). Drug liberalization has been suggested as a concrete solution the majority of due to the failure of the current drug elimination policies which involves drug re-legalization and decriminalization.

Re-legalization of drugs can be described as solution that requires the government to end all the unplaned prohibition based on the sale, division or personal use of medicines that are prohibited. This solution of legalization will partly remove all kinds of government control to these medications and as a result the drugs will be legally readily available. However , the legalisation requires mandatory labelling of medication dosage, restriction in advertising, labels with medical warnings, era limitations, obtain limitations, bar of medication sale to intoxicated people and a special license to users who purchase specific drugs (Ostrowski, 2009). Drug decriminalization is known as a solution to battle with drugs and it aims at the decrease and control over the fees and penalties which are at this time used with the present laws.

This kind of solution is usually an more advanced between medicine prohibition and legalisation and this approach primarily focuses on legislation enforcers in just about any nation to put efforts in arresting the drug traders and other in a major way drug scammers rather than arresting the slight drug uses and those who also are in possession of the drugs. This kind of solution essentially involves the utilization of fines to the drug offenders or other forms of punishment in changing prison terms where most drug criminals are toughened (Inciardi, 1999). The concept in back of drug liberalization is mainly towards lowering crime rates, eliminating the illegal prescription drugs trade and controlling the unlawful drugs effectiveness. The battle with drugs is principally fought to reduce dependency intended for illegal medicines, its personal use, syndication and its app in chaotic crimes.

Therefore, these procedures can be essential as a perfect answer to the battle with drugs that seems to have failed over the years. In summary, drug liberalization is a concrete solution most due to the failing of the current drug avoidance policies which solution consists of drug re-legalization and decriminalization.


Inciardi, T. A. (1999). The drug legalization debate. Thousand Oak trees: Sage Writers. Kuiemko, I actually. & Levitt, S. (2003). Empirical Examination of Imprisoning Drug Offenders. Journal of Public Economics, 1(2), 9-10. Miron, J. & Zwiebel, J. (2005). The Economic Case Against Drug Forbidance.

Log of Financial Perspectives, 4(9), 34- forty five. Ostrowski, T. (2009). Thinking of Drug Legalization. Retrieved upon 02 Come july 1st 2013 by


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