The term ‘Sociological Imagination’ identifies the understanding of the relationship among personal encounter and its reference to society overall (Mills 1959). The purpose of this kind of essay was to examine a social issue in contemporary Sydney, and talk about how sociology might explain it. The social concern chosen is obesity, particularly, childhood overweight. Overweight and obesity rates have elevated rapidly in the last 20 years, with Australia, however in developed countries around the world. Almost two-thirds of Australian adults and one-third of Aussie children are grouped as obese or overweight (MacKay 2011).

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When an individual’s bodyweight is determined by many factors, it has been widely recognized that an embrace obesity is a result of changes in the sociable, environmental and physical environment (MacKay 2011). This issue affects people of all age groups, genders, social classes and geographical locations. Take a look at a normal day in society. Just about everyone has jobs, we rise for a arranged time each day, go to function or school usually driving a car or public transport, consume lunch generally on the run, come back home after a lengthy day of sitting down to crash out in front with the TV, grabbing whatever is easiest in the process.

Compared to each of our ancestors’ effective lives of hunting and gathering, it is quite unnatural, yet it’s the things we do. We, as individuals, include a skewed work/life equilibrium due to society’s fast pace design of living plus the lifestyle we now have as adults, has significant repercussions on the children these days. A report simply by Cleland ainsi que. al (2012) found that folks from lower socioeconomic skills were very likely to be less active and fewer healthy than their larger socioeconomic counterparts. Another record by Van Dyck et. l (2012) found that people living in decrease economic areas tended to exercise fewer due to areas being deemed un-walkable or unsafe to exercise outside in.

The rise in sedentary behaviour among children, specifically the increase in screen period, is another component that has written for the increase in childhood weight problems (Stanton 2009). While this is certainly a factor impacting all sociable classes and socioeconomic areas, it may be a little bit higher in lower economical areas because of outside getting unsafe, however I have not found proof to support this.

Many persons attribute childhood obesity so bad parenting (Olds et. al 2010) that could be one cause because of busy life-style and the increasing cost of living; even so I feel it is far from the sole trigger. Children are swamped with information on ‘healthy’ food yet ‘unhealthy’ food options are constantly at their very own fingertips. Children receive information on healthy consuming and the significance of exercise in schools and society, alongside TV advertising advertising junk food and canteens stocking harmful snacking alternatives.

In conclusion, responsibility for the two causing and preventing obesity lies with many different players. While it is definitely an individual’s decision to eat particular foods and be active; it is much harder for a child who depends on parental figures to achieve this. It is far from only parents’ responsibility to encourage healthful eating and active lives, they must also practice the actual preach and provide these choices for their kids. Children are, all things considered, the future of Down under.


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