The theme of Lucille Clifton’s “Homage to my hips” concentrates on a proud, good, and highly effective woman who will be absolutely in love with her hips. Clifton’s develop throughout the poem focuses remarkably on her big hips. Not once will the she speak negatively information. She feels totally wonderful regarding her big hips, making her experience so comfortable and full-bodied all at the same time. Your woman gives off many reasons to for what reason her hips make her modest, nevertheless full of take great pride in.

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Quick ‘Homage to my hips” illustrates the confidence the speaker offers about her hips. “These hips are big hips” (1) show how the loudspeaker is proud of her big sides and does not brain what other folks may think about her sides. I feel like the speaker can be disappointed in the event she acquired little body. The audio knows that her hips are big and they need further room when she talks about “they will need space to/move around in” (2/3).

The loudspeaker knows her hips do not fit into tiny places.

The speaker of “Homage to my hips” is definitely not embarrassed with her noticeably large body. After the loudspeaker talks about her proud attributes as it pertains to her hips the girl moves on of talking about how come her sides make her strong. In the lines “these hips/are totally free hips (5-6) the presenter demonstrates that her hips do what they want to do. Her wide hips have no limitations. “These body have never been enslaved” (7) shows the speaker has never been controlled and she can uphold her freedom by simply herself.

The speaker reveals her good side by simply stating “they go wherever they want to go/they do what exactly they want to do” (8-9). The big hips do not make her think weak. Finally Clifton talks about how her hips generate her strong. I think that when the speaker states that “these hips are mighty hips/these hips are magic hips” (11-12) would give an expression that your woman can get certain things coming from a man or perhaps give a gentleman a certain feeling.

Also, the wonder of the sides could entice a lover perhaps. I have well-known them/to place a spell on a guy and/spin him like a top” (13-15) suggests that she is aware of her big hips are sexy and she could have a sense of sexiness inspite of her big hips. The girl knows that her big sides can be a great turn on for the man. Her hips could make a man proceed wild if she thus desired. In conclusion, the concept of the Lucille Clifton’s poem gives a woman of larger hip character a sense of pleasure, strength, and prowess. In spite of the need for further room for movement, the woman in this composition is not disappointed nor ashamed.

She has the freedom to learn wherever your woman wants. The lady does not enable anyone to hold her back. Finally, the powerful natures of her big body coincide with sex appeal and a great attraction. Ultimately she is satisfied with her big hips. Works Cited Clifton, Lucille. “Homage to my hips.


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