Speech Disorder, Mood Disorders, Exceptional Kids, Attention Deficit Disorder

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This study provides noted that educators are noting better methods to help these learners rather than putting them in special education classes which neglect to assist these students at school or across the span of their lifetime endeavors.


Suggestions arising from this kind of review of books in this research include the recommendation that diverse methods be applied in helping culturally and linguistically diverse students inside the school placing. Among these kinds of methods are those observed by Knotek (2003) and Craig, Hull, Haggart and Perez-Selle (2000) which involves educators and university counselors assisting in handling the difficulties encountered by these types of students in the school environment and which can include but are not restricted to addressing the needs of students as well as their strengths through strategies of individualized behavior contracts, specific counseling approaches and broadly appropriate reinforcements that in order to encourage confident behavior for the broadly and linguistically diverse pupils.


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Oswald, D. P., Coutinho, M. J., Ideal, A. M Singh, N. (1999). Ethnic representation in special education: The affect of financial demographic variables. Journal of Special Education, 32, 194-196.

Murtagh, Reese (2003) Investigating the Overrepresentation of Cultural Minorities in Special Education. Graduate Studies. Online available at: www.lynchburg.edu/documents/GraduateStudies/Journal/MurtaghD.doc

U. S. Division of Education. (2000). Twenty-second annual report to Congress within the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Act. Washington, DC: Creator.

Watkins A. M. Kurtz, D. G. (2001). Applying solution-focused intervention to address African-American males in special education: A case research. Children Universities, 23(4), 223-235.

Knotek, H. (2003). Prejudice in problem solver and the social process of pupil study teams: A qualitative investigation. The Journal of Special Education, 37, 2-14.

Craig, S. Hull, K., Haggart, A. G., Perez-Selles, M. (2000). Promoting ethnical competence through teacher assistance teams. Teaching Exceptional Kids, 32(3), 6-12.

Klingner, J. K., Edwards, P. (2006). Cultural things to consider with response-to-intervention models. Examining Research Quarterly 41, 108-117.

Harris-Murri, Nancy, King, Kathleen and Rostenberg, Dalia (2006) Reducing Excessive Minority Rendering in Special Education Applications for Students with Emotional Disruptions: Toward a Culturally

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