Keynesian Theory, Marxist Criticism, Keynesian Economics, Individualism

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Neoliberal Cultural Theory

Neoliberalist Theory has been known and defined as a philosophy or thinking that helps bring about the continuous production and distribution of goods and providers, and is tailored after the notion of Neoclassical overall economy that the economist Adam Cruz had released in his publication, “The Wealth of Nations. inch Through Hersker Smith’s well-known economic and philosophical treatise, the idea that market economies can also work and regulate itself devoid of government involvement came into being. This is precisely one of the important characteristics of neoliberalism: the market economic system produces and distributes services and goods at an the best and successful rate without the intervention from the government.

Neoliberalist theory is usually characterized by numerous important aspects, which are the next: it promotes “a steady currency, free market capitalism, and cost-free trade” (Wikipedia 2002). Even more, neoliberalism promoters not only to get deregulation, self-regulation, and free of charge trade, but also to privatization of business enterprise (both private and public) as well as the development of the positive effect in the nation’s economy. Totally free trade, privatization, and globalization all bring about economic development, making neoliberalism an ideal structure not only to produced and wealthy nations, yet most especially to developing countries. More importantly, neoliberalism encourages the occurrence of change in the pattern of “changing awareness of general public and community good to individualism and individual responsibility” (Shah 2001). This is probably the essential alter that occurs in neoliberalism, besides the economic regarding market economies. Although neoliberalism is considered a good principle to put into practice when it is utilized in the financial schema of your nation, although neoliberalism likewise poses several problems that may result to contemporary society, since it improvements the contemporary society from as being a collectivist culture to an individualist one. Though individualism is an excellent quality within a culture, there are particular cases where individualism may be harmful, especially in economic and business competition, which neoliberalism harbors.

The shift by collectivist to individualist culture of the contemporary society is just among the many criticisms that neoliberalism creates in the contemporary society. Two famous critiques with the neoliberalist theory are the anti-Capitalist or Interpersonal movement (through the Marxist or Critical Theory) plus the Keynesian economists, advocates of John Maynard Keynes’ acceptance of government involvement for a powerful economy.

Underneath the Marxist or perhaps Critical Theory, neoliberalism encourages the variety between developed and underdeveloped and developing countries. Therefore under neoliberalism, the abundant become richer, and the poor become lesser. Because capitalism is encouraged in neoliberalism through free trade and organization of various quasi-markets and businesses, there is a probability that Karl Marx’s theory that stratification between the poor and abundant class could happen, thus, oppression will become present in the culture. This is actually true; when you take into account the comparison between developed vs . underdeveloped and developing countries. Since produced countries have a greater edge over expanding countries relating to economic accomplishment and prosperity, the developing nations will become determined by the abundant nations for funding that help in establishing their economic climate into a neoliberalist kind. Another example problems the rendering of free operate between created and growing countries. It was said that created nations happen to be “protectionists, inches wherein designed nations “want the developing countries to completely remove barriers to cost-free trade which usually would cause an disproportion in favor of the industrialized countries” (Shah 2001). Aside from inequality in free of charge trade contracts between nations, the organization of ‘open societies’ for all those nations will even result to a scenario just like the free control case. In the event small countries will allow the top nations to their economical market, there exists a possibility that the bigger nations will try to dominate the smaller nation’s economic climate, which is again an unfair outcome, since it defeats the purpose of making the country grow monetarily. Instead, neoliberalism in this scenario is projected as a great ‘unhealthy’ practice of competition between two open communities.

Inequality in economic progress and share of goods and services does not only happen internationally, that may be, between rich and poor nations, but also domestically, wherein persons within the contemporary society vie to get the biggest percentage of the economical market of

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Category: Other,

Topic: Contemporary society, Developing countries,

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