What are three strongest reasons to support the point of view?

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1 ) Media Practices – Hostile Attitudes and Behaviors

2 . Effect on media physical violence on youngsters and young adults on the rise

3. Adults and children alike have grown to be additive

I actually. Introduction

Games have been in been around since the 70’s, but it has not been until the 1990’s that chaotic games emerged of age. As a result of numerous university shootings considering that the 1990’s, that attracted the attention of land. Over the years, violent video games utilized both by children and adults include increased.

II. Body:

1 . Media Habits – Aggressive Perceptions and Actions

Expert finding

a. Children violence resulting in deaths and injuries features direct and indirect costs in excess of $158 billion each year.

b. Video game habits will be significantly linked to children’s aggressive attribution scores, the rate of recurrence with which they get into fights with teachers (by self-report), their grades, and their levels of hostility.

2 . Impact on mass media violence on kids and young adults on the rise?


a. 90% of U. H. youth outdated eight to 18 play video games, with boys averaging about 19 hours a week and girls your five hours weekly.

b. 70% of 4th to twelfth graders survey playing “Mature”-rated games (suitable for those 17 and older), which contain one of the most graphic assault of all.

c. Children & College students who had played the violent children’s game shown a 40% higher violence rate than those who had played a non-violent game.

a few. Children and adults likewise have become addicting.


a. 10 percent to fifteen percent of gamers meet the World Wellness Organization’s conditions for craving.

b. 88% of young people in the U. S. enjoy video games, indicating that up to three million could possibly be showing signs of addiction

c. Nationwide survey – age groups 8 to 18; found that 1 in 12 teenagers show indications of behavioral obsession with video games.

III. Conclusion

After 50 years of studying video games aiming to figure out what the cause that violent games have upon kids and young adult. We are continue to no nearer to knowing the actual answer. With games today being even more realistic and bloodier than ever; yet not necessarily at all obvious whether, over longer durations, such a habit boosts the likelihood that the person can commit a violent criminal offenses, like homicide, rape, or perhaps assault, much less a Newtown or Columbine massacres. It can be our responsibility to know our limits with anything in life, important thing we will be organised accountable for the actions.


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Category: Health and fitness,

Topic: Video games, Young adults,

Words: 464


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