Incorrect 1 . The language utilized to discuss music is universal. A) The case B) Phony Table for Individual Question Opinions Points Earned: 0. 0/4. 0 Accurate Answer(s): M Correct 2 . One way 19th-century Americans had been exposed to Euro classical music was through visiting European musicians. A) True B) False Table for Individual Issue Feedback Points Earned: 4.

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0/4. zero Correct Answer(s): A Correct three or more. The musical language of America is founded on: A) European musical principles B) ancient greek language musical principles C) neither a nor b D) a and b Stand for Individual Question Feedback Items Earned: four.

0/4. 0 Correct Answer(s): A Correct 5. When categorizing music, stylistic labels must be adhered to rigidly. A) True B) Bogus Table for Individual Question Feedback Points Received: 4. 0/4. 0 Correct Answer(s): B Correct five. Diverse musical traditions can be a contributing aspect to our wealthy national tradition. A) Authentic B) False Table for seperate Question Feedback Points Attained: 4. 0/4. 0 Appropriate Answer(s): A proper 6. The composer of your folk tune is often: A) poor B) not a artist C) outdated D) not known Table for Individual Question Responses Points Received: 4. 0/4. 0 Right Answer(s): D.

Correct several. Early American settlers _______________ the music of Native Americans. A) accepted B) tolerated C) copied D) rejected Desk for Individual Issue Feedback Points Earned: 4. 0/4. zero Correct Answer(s): D Accurate 8. The majority of early religious, folk, and popular music were produced the kinds of: A) the British Isles B) South usa C) a blending of Native American and Western cultures D) Native American peoples Table for Individual Issue Feedback Factors Earned: some. 0/4. zero Correct Answer(s): A Correct 9. The musical instruments Americans include are, generally, derived from these in.

The european countries and the United kingdom Isles. A) True B) False Table for Individual Question Feedback Items Earned: 5. 0/4. zero Correct Answer(s): A Correct 12. Ethnomusicologists research the social aspects of music. A) Authentic B) Bogus Table for seperate Question Opinions Points Attained: 4. 0/4. 0 Right Answer(s): A proper 11. Generally, a culture’s belief systems and music are individual. A) Authentic B) False Table for Individual Question Feedback Points Received: 4. 0/4. 0 Accurate Answer(s): M Correct doze. The blending of ethnic traditions creates: A) little or no of nationwide value B) ethnic hispanics.

C) fresh styles and modes of behavior D) race tensions Table for Individual Question Feedback Points Earned: 4. 0/4. 0 Right Answer(s): C Incorrect 13. It is necessary to get professional artists to gain the bulk of their very own living coming from performing. A) True B) False Desk for Individual Question Feedback Items Earned: 0. 0/4. 0 Correct Answer(s): B Appropriate 14. The main factor in the development of America’s ethnic mainstream was the predominance of: A) English-speaking settlers B) African slaves C) Local American tradition D) free trade Stand for Individual Issue Feedback Items Earned: 4. 0/4.

0 Correct Answer(s): A Correct 15. The __________ Law of 1909 presented ownership of popular tracks to composers, lyricists, and publishers. A) Permission B) Copyright C) Ownership D) Holder Stand for Individual Problem Feedback Factors Earned: 5. 0/4. 0 Correct Answer(s): B Correct 16. Ethnomusicologists study audiences as well as performers. A) The case B) Phony Table for seperate Question Reviews Points Attained: 4. 0/4. 0 Right Answer(s): The correct 17. A large number of cultures in the world are still not affected by outside influences. A) True B) False Table for Individual Problem Feedback Details Earned: 4.

0/4. 0 Correct Answer(s): B Accurate 18. Clinical research has located that music powerfully affects the emotions of listeners. A) True B) False Desk for Individual Query Feedback Items Earned: four. 0/4. zero Correct Answer(s): A Correct nineteen. Ethnomusicologists depend on a ______________ rather than an ethnocentric perspective to study and describe music. A) regional B) neighborhood C) global D) universal Table for seperate Question Opinions Points Attained: 4. 0/4. 0 Right Answer(s): C Correct 20. Who composed music pertaining to orchestra, but also in the “pop style? A) Bob Dylan B) Tchaikovsky.

C) George Gershwin D) Beethoven Stand for Individual Issue Feedback Points Earned: 4. 0/4. zero Correct Answer(s): C Correct 21. Based on the text, it is unnecessary to obtain a sense of what is out there beyond our personal cultural encounter. A) True B) Phony Table for Individual Question Responses Points Gained: 4. 0/4. 0 Accurate Answer(s): M Correct twenty two. When music is sent from era to technology by bogus or storage, this is known as: A) notational tradition B) oral tradition C) family tradition D) non-e of these Table for seperate Question Responses Points Attained: 4.

0/4. 0 Accurate Answer(s): M Correct 23. Music brands can be: A) helpful B) ambiguous C) a and b D) neither a nor m Table for Individual Question Opinions Points Gained: 4. 0/4. 0 Correct Answer(s): C Correct twenty four. True artistry is generally just found in traditional music. A) True B) False Stand for Individual Query Feedback Factors Earned: some. 0/4. zero Correct Answer(s): B Accurate 25. Music has taken on a global perspective as a result of technological advancements in connection and transport. A) Authentic B) Bogus Table for seperate Question Feedback Points Gained: 4. 0/4. 0 Right Answer(s): A.

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