Multiculturalism, Multicultural Diversity, Positive Psychology, Positivism

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Cultural Values in Humanistic Mindset

Every self-control embraces particular values that reflect on technology or discipline itself, yet that also reflect on the cultural framework in which the willpower or research is mainly conducted. The complete court press of positivism brought a target, values-free paradigm to the front of analysis (Glazner Slope, 2013). The field of psychology can be engaged in a debate about the possibility of getting positive psychology and humanistic psychology jointly, in what could invariably manifest as a renewal of humanism. Yet certain conditions are required for this reattachment of the exercises – most notably, multiculturalism. “The renewal of humanism is definitely integral to multicultural practice, and modern practice can be integral to the renewal of humanism” (Schneider Langle, 2012, p. 481). It is difficult to assume a restorative relationship which is not sensitive to multicultural distinctions. Indeed, it is reasonable to talk about that, “humanistic practice guidelines are a critical (and needed) dimension of therapeutic intervention” (Schneider Langle, 2012).

Humanistic psychology can be decidedly liberal and still left leaning. Like a liberating psychology, humanistic mindset is “inherently incompatible with right-wing ideologies that keep pace with impose rigid moral principles and suppress civil liberties and specific freedom” (Elkins, 2009, l. 280). Single line of thinking of humanistic mindset is that it is a fundamental menace to people who have are “committed to old-fashioned ideologies” (Elkins, 2009, s. 280).

The tenants of humanistic mindset are digno: centering in change and growth and a belief in the dignity and really worth of all individuals. In as much as this suggests a positive middle ground that both tolerante and conventional factions support, the generous approach taken by humanism claims that paternalistic, constraining ideologies are fundamentally wrong. Mainstream psychologists usually consider humanistic psychology as a movement that is certainly centered on a cult of narcissism (Elkins, 2009, s. 268).

[E]xistential-humanistic mindset aspires to apprehend not merely our relationship to the physical bodies, outward actions, and intellective operations but our relationship to existence as a whole, which includes much more than overt and mathematically measurable “variables. (Schnieder, 2014, p. 92)

Humanistic procedures and methods to counseling, education, and management are helpful for establishing techniques for relating to people in

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