Service, Cab Driver

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Together with the provision of instant-services, relevers ultimately like the use of Pick up technology over traditional technique of booking a taxi. In the Grab established home page, customers may register via Facebook . com, and subscribe to Grab or perhaps stay linked to social media for updates around the latest marketing promotions. As such, that reflects that Grab uses high intensity interactivity which promotes a two-way communication. Consequently, seeking information for goods and services is made less difficult as Pick up website features social media that directs buyers to web pages of their interests while maintaining company loyalty.

Grab application technology enables commuters to rate the drivers every end on the trip based on their knowledge on the scale of 1 ” 5 stars to create feedback. As such, cyclists will be able to justify if the motorists meet individual commuter’s anticipations in terms of cleanliness, comfort, courtesy of the driver and safety of the ride.

Vice versa, individuals will also be able to provide opinions on the travellers, location and payments for them to share their particular experience about real time. Individuals are able to obtain the application for training videos, quizzes to obtain incentive rewards that aggregates on extra income (Grab Singapore, 2017). As such, this ratings program encourages the drivers to constantly boost or keep their standard of service call and make an impact towards the Grab business. However , the star rankings of Get application have got its unfavorable impact towards the drivers in which they will be revoked from using the technology if they happen to be graded inadequately. Based on cultural news assessment, drivers and commuters could potentially pose injury on each other through the platform due to bias and splendour.


The Get trend examination is based on the historical data collected in the consumers of various countries through which Grab program technology will use multiple laptop models and algorithms to process data from around various Get services. With all the valid famous data, the technology will be able to optimize and offer efficiency systems based on the need of users of the individual countries. The real time data analytics equipment in Grab booking app has used a method known as Geohash that divides Singapore into grids of 1, 200m back button 600m and analyze exactely commuters to drivers. The grid is able to indicate areas where demand for taxi are large and job notifications will be automatically send to drivers’ phone. This reduces Get drivers to drive on the road vaguely with the invention of the intelligent technology to higher match rider demand with driver supply.

The intelligent and smart functionalities of the Grab application have automated retry feature that eradicate the frequency to test the Get application and reattempt a booking. In addition, commuters have the ability to track the positioning of the drivers in real time to get an exact sign of when ever he/she will arrive through live driver tracking. Based on the survey executed, private car users are really satisfied with the three main top rated attributes namely ease of booking, safety and service data than cabs users implies that passenger activities have absolutely been enhanced by portable technologies.

However , failure does happen occasionally whereby the Get application featured that the pickup’s cab was still 23077 minutes apart though the end user had very long alighted from your ride.


For brand spanking new users to register an account with Grab reservation application, users may basically synchronize their particular Facebook accounts or register via cellphone number which will be approved immediately. Commuters may also be able to customize their account by choosing their very own preferred method of payment be it funds or cashless. Likewise, the drivers can easily set their daily choice route to function every early morning while the app will search for any potential passenger whom may drop off around the same destination.

Grab booking application offers features which usually allow end user to save and auto-fills all their pick up and drop off site to eliminate the inconveniency of re-entering their very own most favorite address when ever required. As Grab has a large pool of portable users, merchandisers may partner with Grab by utilizing its technology in forcing notifications just like rewards or perhaps promotions for the specific buyers delivering an even more personalized encounters.

The advantages of individualization make the process of preparing their individual profile and mode of payments pertaining to drivers and commuters faultlessly. With the insight of auto-fills feature, it speeds up and ease the hassle of entering the location particulars. Lastly, it promotes a win-win scenario for all users where merchandisers may increase their business earnings through marketing via Grab platform although tailored news are brought to individual buyers. Simultaneously, this coincides with the Grab organization mission of going cashless.

Independence of Location

Grab Company has grown the business through e-marketing technology in contacting its consumers at large with the use of mobile app device, which may have widened customer choice and boost customers spending power.

Grab mobile software technology provides online shopping possibilities with discount, rewards and incentives intended for commuters to select from. Consumers may then download the purchased e-vouchers which enable redemption at the designated retail shop. The accessibility of online shopping features provided comfort and financial savings to consumers. However , consumers may not be capable of download or perhaps use the purchased e-vouchers when system mistake occur as a result of technical blemish in the get application.

The purchase of Uber can drive Get to become the leading market innovator in food delivery which will enables clients to shop online for food without the need make purchase in the outlet physically in the near future.


Get is a third-party service provider which in turn mainly delivers various vehicles services to commuters by way of mobile application. To boost it is business, it includes collaborated with various merchandisers to provide a one-stop in order to the customers, by which customers may have an easy access to the respective vendors using the mobile application. You will discover categories including travel or entertainment in which it retains existing and attracts new clients in making use of the Grab program with the the use system.

Grab program has features to support customer support where users can refer to a check set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). The application match steps by steps tips for deliver customer enquiries or perhaps feature of speed switch into their existing call center. With this integration technology in the mobile program, it accomplishes its effectiveness to bring users to keep using its app system for making online purchase from the Grab stores. Moreover, it possesses a sense of trustworthiness and even enhance the reliability with the support of the FAQ features.

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