Looking for patterns in elements 59 of the ninety two naturally occurring elements had been uncovered by 1850. Much of the function of planning to search for patterns in the elements was made by Johann Dobereiner and Lother Meyer in Germany Ruben Newlands in britain Dimitri Mendeleev In Spain Mendeleev’s Groupings Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 Group7 Group8 Period1 H Period2 Li Be W C N O Farreneheit Period3 Na Mg Approach Si P SCl Period4 K/Cu Ca/Zn / Ti/ V/As Cr/Se Mn/Br Fe, Co, National insurance Period5 Rb/Ag Sr/Cd Y/In Zr/Sn Nb/Sb Mo/Te /I Ru, Rh, Pd.

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Signifies element yet to be uncovered Mendeleevs groups were seen while more reliable than earlier attempts to find patterns in element. Contrary to newlands, mendeleev left breaks in his desk. They brought about the finding of new factors. He expected the properties of an element called eka-silicon.

He expected that the aspect would go among silicon and tin in the table. The element was discovered in 1886 and called germanium. As mendellevs loss of life in 1907: � eight elements have been discovered� 24 elements have been made in the laboratory the current periodic stand is based on mendellevs original stand.

See: Project 3 Activity EL3. one particular Activity EL3. 2 Activity EL3. several Ideas 1 ) 2 Suggestions 11. one particular Ideas11. 2 .

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Category: Existence,

Topic: Life, Patterns,

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