Jot down about two pages observations that you study from CCU lessons!

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Cross Traditions Understanding (CCU) is the lessons that very importan for student. I agree that, because while i learn about language I have to the culture also. Why We learn CCU? Because terminology and tradition can not be segregated, and if I actually go to in another country oneday, My spouse and i already know a lot of ways existence there to avoid cukture stunned. As long as I I study CCU by Prof.

Mulyadi, one thing i have learned is all about my self. I look in my do it yourself like try looking in mirror to get building my own character better, because if I learn CCU, it means that we learn about persons; their methods of life, their very own seasons, their leisure actions, their conversation, their desk manner, their particular shopping, their particular holiday, their money, even their particular religion. I actually leran that life is simple, it based on how I consider my life to become where, I select it and i also decide this. I discovered for set my personal in the top place untill nobody can harm me. We learned that Like, Care, and Respect ( Appreciate) to people are really crucial in my life.

If I life get back way, Let me enjoy my personal self and there is no enduring will come. My spouse and i learned CCU like mirror, I learnd and look my self to develop my figure better. We learned that I have to be my own self, certainly not following the various other way’s your life. I found that I fill my life with Love, avoid hate, just like there was an individual told people the bad point of myself, I just smile and required the positive issue.

I discovered to pick up the maning of all what currently happened around me and take the positive things of all thing that previously happened. I learned that My spouse and i respect my personal self first and then I will respect others, love my personal self initial and I can easily love the others. Not only about to generate my figure, I also obtained emotional and spiritual lessons through his real sort of life when he explained the lessons.

I can required the lesson that no matter what things the lessons if it offers benefit personally, just take it.

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Category: Existence,

Topic: College, Cross, Culture, Essay, Their particular, Understanding,

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