This kind of Chinese proverb renders (red? ) within a synthetic method the fact that we perceive time in a subjective way, based on the moods developed by the reaction to the events that we go through. Whenever we pass through distressing event of life, we feel weak, vulnerable, possibly hopeless and everything seems to go wrong in our daily life; so , time seems much longer than it really is. On the other hand, whenever we live hapiness, everything seems to go correctly, we get enough power to improve our lifestyle, our family jewelry, our interactions with other persons and we are usually more satisfied with ourself. But , why do some of us feel that every day of sorrow is much longer than a month of delight?

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It is said that unhappiness can be described as completely realistic response to selected losses thus when we lose our self- confidence, or perhaps our health, our family ties, our friends or even once we do things that happen to be unpleasant for people, we conclude by feeling bad and time appears to freeze. But , when we experience fulfilled or perhaps when we do things that we just like, we feel good and time seems to fly. The problem is that many of us tend to stay with whatever we know rather than choose any kind of form of change.

As a result, all of us continue to be unsatisfied. If we decide to change things, however , after that we begin a journey that just we can map out. We should let ourselves to manage up the reality it is possible to truly get rid of questions and learn to become more asserted with our life.

This will take a change of countless aspects in our life including the outlook, each of our relationships and our options.

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