Ezra Pound 1st published this poem in 1913, at any given time when writers of beautifully constructed wording were looking to break through the traditional pentameters associated with their craft. This piece is an excellent example of Imagism, in which poets, instead of describing an image in more detail, tried to use a minimal quantity of words and phrases, and evoke an image by simply use of a well-written key phrase. Pound uses haiku style of poetry through this piece which in turn contains just 14 words- a abgefahren contrast for the 20-30 lines from previous era of Victorianism.

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Pound when explained that he would not wish the heart from the poem to be in the first or second line- but to be the thought process that connects them. While this can be a concept found in Imagism, it really is more like these form this individual embraced- Vorticism. This categorization comes from the endeavor with the author to treat the composition as a part of graphic fine art. Upon study of the composition itself, it really is interesting to notice that not any verbs are used in the composition, yet that conveys a sense of movement.

His choice of the term “apparition” automatically makes the visitor conjure pictures of mysticism and state of mind, thus this individual begins his contrasts between real plus the unreal; the pretty and the unpleasant; the ordinary and the amazing. His comparison of character versus man-made and the quick transition he makes is incredibly typical of the Japanese haiku style. Interestingly he uses “petals” instead of flowers, offering it a softer, more feminine top quality; thus the dark masculinity of the dark bough is usually doubled.

The comparison of both of these is sychronizeds with what the poet offers seen within the railway platform- opposites not only are extremes but that go with each other. There may be continued debate among scholars as to the accurate meaning of the poem and what Pound intended to convey when he published it. Even so, they all have to agree that he did what he set out to do- transcend traditional form and make an eye-opening statement to his viewers.


“Pound’s ‘In A Station of the Metro’: A Textual Be aware. ” English language Language Notes 8. 4 (June 1971). retrieved upon June of sixteen, 2009, by http://www. english language. illinois. edu/ Maps/poets/m_r/pound/metro. htm Hishikawa, Eiichi “Ezra Pound” published simply by Kobe Univesity April 2004 retrieved in June 18, 2009 from http://www. lit up. kobe-u. alternating current. jp/~hishika/pound. htm


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