Full the data below using information from your weekly readings and additional research if necessary. Contain APA formatted in-text info when suitable and list all referrals at the bottom with the page. Ethical Theory Utilitarianism Deontological Virtue ethics Definition “A approach to ethics according to which the rightness or perhaps wrongness associated with an action needs to be judged by its implications.

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The goal of practical ethics is always to promote the greatest happiness pertaining to the greatest number” (“Define Utilitarianism, ” 2005). Utilitarianism is definitely making a decision that benefits one of the most amount of people/society. Deontological means duty, honesty, assure keeping, and fairness regardless of the consequences happen to be (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). “Virtue Values is a category within Normative Ethics that attempts to learn and sort what could possibly be deemed of ethical character, and also to apply the moral persona as a basic for one’s choices and actions. ” (Gowdy, 2011). Ethical thinker associated with theoryThe ethical thinker/thinkers associated with utilitarianism are Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill.

Emmanuel Kant (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). Aristotle (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). Decision-making processThe decision making method is to Recognize all of the conceivable stakeholders and what would be the consequences the harms and benefits.

Make a list of pro’s and con’s plus the best ethical decision is one that is of the greater great for the most quantity of people. The choice making process is usually figuring out what values and or obligations are crucial to you, and base for you to decide on precisely what is right not what is best (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). The target here is as a good person because this is the type of person you wish to always be and keep moral values or perhaps virtues in a action or perhaps decision. (Trevino & Nelson, 2011).

Work environment exampleA handful of employees inform their employer that they will not feel comfortable dealing with a co-worker who was blamed for discussing confidential info, and the administrator decided to end that employee’s employment. A workplace case would be telling your boss the truth although you might get a fellow co-worker in trouble. Whenever we see a person being sexually harassed at work it is each of our moral responsibility to help them and follow through with each of our decision. This really is a positive action.

Research: Define Utilitarianism. (2005). In New Dictionary of Social Literacy. Gathered from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/utilitarianism Growdy, D. (2011). Advantage Ethics. Recovered from http://www.ethicsmorals.com/ethicsvirtue.html Trevino, M., & Nelson, K. (2011).

Managing organization ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (5th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ-NEW JERSEY: Wiley. Utilitarianism. (n. d). In Wikipedia. Retrieved by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism

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