Cry Freedom was a movie that took place in South Africa in the 1970’s. This can be a movie about a journalist, Jesse Woods, and a black activist, Sam Biko. While Woods was around Biko reporting that which was happening, Biko invited Timber to go see one of the insolvent black township so he could find where dark people in South Africa lived. When they appeared, Woods was shocked. The black persons of S. africa were residing in terribly poor conditions as a result of government enforced restrictions prove lives.

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Woods realizes just how wrong the government is by adding these limitations in place and begins to go along with Biko great beliefs.

Biko was a extremely outspoken eager beaver for the rights in the black people in South Africa. The government got already restricted him coming from leaving King William’s Area, his hometown, due to his past efforts for the source. Latter about in the film, Biko eventually ends up getting caught after a political speech which is outside of the location in which Biko is supposed to stay banned to.

After being imprisoned, Biko is usually beaten to death. Since Woods have been reporting on the story, him and Biko had become good friends. After the death of his friend, Hardwoods decided to operate to expose the government’s part in the conquering of Biko. After meeting with the Southern African Minister of Proper rights, Woods can be banned by the government in the same way Biko was when the movie began. After being banned, Woods fantastic family will be targeted and harassed by government. Hardwoods manages to flee the country of Lesotho concealed as a clergyman and the associated with his family members joins him latter on. Woods escapes to Botswana with the help of an Australian correspondent.

Cry Liberty really shows us the problems of S. africa from the past. Black persons from South Africa were severely discriminated against and had been forced to live in terrible circumstances. These terrible conditions were forced after the dark-colored community by government. This is the time from the apartheid system, so the authorities was the cause of most of the discrimination in the black persons of S. africa. The movie actually shows all of us the true encounter from the government. We see how the govt was at the rear of the terrible things that happened to black persons during that period. Not only performed the governmentsupport this elegance, but it also went as far as getting rid of black people that were trying to speak out for their legal rights, just as they were doing to Biko. Cry Freedom shows all of us how terrible the government truly was in S. africa during the apartheid.


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Category: Society,

Topic: Black people, South Africa,

Words: 467


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