The Industrial Revolution that was happening inside the early the twilight series of the 19th centuries altered the world permanently. The introduction of scientific research as a possible get rid of for all started to be apparent. Many fascination technology such as steamboat, cars and electricity were created plus the outlook for the future was bright. However , because of this, many experts turned a blind attention to the perils of knowledge and unwittingly induced many sorrows in their process to become “god”. Such cases are launched in the subsequent two stories: Frankenstein and “The birthmark”.

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In the two stories, mcdougal created a personality that was going to symbolize the scientists with the early nineteenth centuries who have believed that anything was possible with science. In “The Birthmark”, Hawthorne’s character Aylmer tries to remove his wife’s birthmark with his utilization of science nevertheless ends up eradicating her. When in Frankenstein, the protagonist Victor attempts to use research to create existence but winds up destroying these there were closest to him.

There are many similarities between the two stories, specifically between the characteristics of Victor Frankenstein and Aylmer. Both men have a deep passion and love for scientific research that region on passion. One of the common themes in both tales is the threat of playing god. In Frankenstein, Victor attempts to go beyond acknowledged human restrictions and access the knowledge of life and for that reason becoming godlike. The story commences with Walton’s letter to his sibling. From the page, we are brought to the danger of science. Victor tells Walton, “You search for knowledge and wisdom, as I once performed; and I ardently hope the fact that gratification of the wishes is probably not a snake to sting you, while mine has become. ” (pg 31)

The theme of destructive knowledge can then be developed further throughout the tale as the tragic events and outcomes of Victor’s obsession for life is unfold. He cuts himself removed from the world and in the end commits him self entirely to his process, “while My spouse and i pursued my own undertaking with unremitting enthusiasm, my cheek has grown paler with study and my own person is now emaciated with confinement. ” (pg 55) This is similar to what Aylmer went through, “He was pale as death, anxious and absorbed, and hung over the furnace as though it relied upon his utmost watchfulness… or unhappiness. (pg 70) He was so obsessed about perfection that he forsakes the consequences of his actions.

Throughout Frankenstein, Victor regularly convinced himself that what he is carrying out is absolutely proper and because with this, his fall from sophistication mirrors the ones from Aylmer. Both of them have impractical goals to accomplish and both unintentionally damage those that will be precious to them.

For all their similarities, Dr . Frankenstein and Aylmer are still significantly different characters. Victor wants to become god yet does not really know what to do with the strength, “When I found so surprising a electric power placed within my hands, I hesitated a long time with regards to the manner in which I ought to employ that. ” (pg 54) Victor views research as the path to new knowledge: “in other research you go in terms of others have become before you… but in medical pursuit, there is certainly continual foodstuff for breakthrough discovery and wonder. “(pg 52)

While Aylmer views research as the path to increased power, “We know Aylmer possessed this degree of faith in man’s ultimate control over nature. “(pg 59) This individual tries to enjoy god in order to bend the laws of nature and make imperfection to efficiency, “I feel myself fully competent to render this dear cheek as faultless… and then, many beloved, what is going to be my triumph when I shall have got corrected what Nature left imperfect in her fairest work! ” (pg 63) In the end however , it was mother nature that got the last giggle when the concoction that Aylmer gave Georgiana resulted in her death.

The two Frankenstein and Aylmer will be victims with the destructive captivation for research and character. Both men try to go beyond to godhood and, eventually, both are unsuccessful. Perhaps, for this reason both Shelley and Hawthorne wrote identical stories in an attempt to illustrate the risk of goal, science and godhood.


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