“Traveling through the Dark” by William E. Stanford and “Woodchucks” by Maxine Kumin a person must make the choice of nature as well as ways. The two poems have their similarities and differences. Traveling through the dark and woodchucks share various ways of similarities, Man versus Nature Fatality situations take part in both poems.

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Through the use of societe both poetry have different thinking. Traveling throughout the dark starts off dark and progress toward a more severe tone and, the reader sympathizes with the primary action in enabling the useless deer off the road. So he can prevent upcoming deaths. Both poems work with strong verbs to connect the point successfully as possible.

Traveling through the dark has no rhyme scheme and follows contemplative tone, contained in the decision of life and death which in turn sets the mood in the poem: sadness and lose hope. Kumin uses ” beheaded” and “hooked” to illustrate the images to she would like to communicate. In Woodchuck, Maxine talks about the violence in killing the woodchuck and also shows the reader the getting rid of and physical violence whereas the Traveling throughout the dark displays a human a reaction to the less-violent act. The poem however does have a rhyme structure but would not conform to regular forms of rhyme. The 1st stanza happens when the audio describing all their failed make an effort to eliminate the pest.

Following through the poem a sense of humor turns into between the article writer and the woodchucks. Each composition has a chaotic, grim, painful and accountable tone to it, could be some or less in others. when reading “traveling through the dark” the doe’s death plus the inescapable destiny of the baby fawn gives on a feeling of guilt, also that the composition of the “woodchucks”, also in the contrast the “woodchucks composition emphasizes on violence much more than its partner. Throughout the history the narrator is bloodstream thirsty and cares only about the loss of life of woodchucks but will not relate to what is actually taking place around the time or the thing that was happening about him the nazi period.

The death of each animal leaves someone feeling unhappy and unattainable. In comparison, Kumin only targets the man’s reaction to the the woodchucks “beheading the carrots”, touring through the dark is more goal as compared to the woodchucks which is more mental although they are almost equal effective.

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