In pairs, imitate two position plays showing your communication skills within a health and sociable care circumstance.

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The function plays should demonstrate the use of two interaction theories (the theory could possibly be from a humanistic, behaviourist, cognitive or psychoanalytical perspectives)in relation to the health and interpersonal care sector. You have time to choose the circumstance and the content of interaction for your part plays.? Describe, using ideal arguments and examples, how come you have chosen a particular communication theory for a particular role play. (Merit) Let’s break it down again:? Clarify, using appropriate arguments and examples, how come you have chosen a specific communication way of a particular position play. (Merit)? Design a feedback piece to collect the feedback from all other students in your role plays.

Collect the feedback after the role plays. Write an assessment of how very well each conversation technique is fitted to the framework of the connection based on the feedback from the peers and your research. (Distinction) 1 . installment payments on your 2 Write a Memo to all the staff inside your department of Health and Social Care telling them of your important insurance plan change. Your memo should be correctly organised and skillfully presented.?

Briefly explain how the techniques were used in your position play. (Pass)? Explain how a techniques/strategies you have applied facilitated communication among people with particular communication requirements. (Merit)? Design and style a opinions sheet to get the reviews from other students on your role plays.

Acquire the responses after the role plays. Publish an evaluation of how well each communication technique/strategy facilitated communication between people who have specific connection needs depending on the responses from your colleagues and your research. (Distinction) ………….. Task A (L02) – Brief Description (about 75 words) Activity B LO2: Brief Information (up to 100 words) Describe physical, emotional, social and legal influences regarding communication in health and cultural care. [Here you should relate to the same opportunities – as told you in class] ……………. LO3: Brief Description (about 75 words) 3. 1 . 1 ) Explain, employing examples, how the use of IT (ICT) in health and social care rewards the individual – service users/patient/clients.

3. 1 ) 2 . Critically evaluate how the IT supports and improves the activities of care workers and treatment organisations/agencies. Provide examples. Justify conclusions reached.

3. 1 ) 2 . In brief describe into the safety legal considerations in the use of IT in health and social care. Here, you would need to display your capacity to access and use standard IT application, used regularly, to support work in health and interpersonal care. This task will be evaluated by ‘observation’ of your function during training sessions. *You will be seen during the ICT lesson/tutorial •Follow all explanations and guidance as taught in class •Finally, compile your projects together within a presentable fashion prior to submission. •Do not miss the dead series P3. Have the ability to explore the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in health and interpersonal careExplore the utilization of information technology in communications in health and cultural care a. demonstrate ability to access and use normal IT software, used consistently, to support work in health and cultural care w. analyse how a use of THIS in health insurance and social attention benefits assistance users c. critically evaluate how the IT supports and enhances the actions of treatment workers and care organisations/agencies d. review health and security legal considerations in the use of IT Evaluation Criteria for the ‘Merit’ (include Pass criteria+): M1 Identify and apply strategies to get appropriate alternatives: -Students supplied evidence of research from different sources (the internet and books) pertaining to the drafted report within a well-organised and neatly provided Appendix -Students correctly referenced and acknowledged sources found in the record Assessment Criteria for a ‘Distinction’ (include

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Category: Tradition,

Topic: Brief, Work,

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