The quest for the elixir of life has been going on throughout history. In every single civilisation, you will discover myths which depict characters and heroines who live long lives, some even forever.

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There is also documented history of men and women, called alchemists, who played around with to discover means by which people could live forever; or at least for long times. Mod¬em medicine also aims to lengthen lives – often even of extremely sick per¬sons with no wish of restoration from their ailments. In fact , one of many signs of a progressive nation is when ever its research shows that it is popula¬tions includes a high life expectations; that is that they may live longer than their forefathers. The longer living expectancy of the nation; the better that nation. All of these show it is in the man consciousness to want to live for a long period of time.

The question now is whether this is often desirable. Noticed in the light individuals, longer life expectancy certainly appears desirable. Most people would like to live and enjoy existence longer. Hu¬mans have generally shown a reluctance to die and leave could be world and their loved ones. This is in the endurance spirit with which every person appears to be born.

The vast majority of us need to lengthen our lives and live so long as we can. Nevertheless , there is a state to this. We all also want to live well.

If we are in dire economical consequences or incurably ill or in great suffering, we would not need to live too much time, as doing this will increase the difficulty and pain. If perhaps with higher life expectancy comes greater overall health, it would be an excellent. Suppose a person can be made healthy and balanced till the afternoon he drops dead, then he will probably not always be dependent on any individual and increased life expectancy will be most welcome. Usually, all of us say that life expectancy has increased, within a society, with reference to statistics. They are likely to be guaranteed just present that over a number of years, folks are now living longer.

There is usually zero reflection regarding the quality of existence that has been resided by the people that now live longer. The information show an average without expressing which with the people who have were living longer possess lived disease-free lives and which have were living lives of comfort and pleasure. It is possible that some of the people who have lived longer lives have actually lived miserably in retirement homes where the doctors have tried out their best to make certain that the retirees live as long as possible. If by longer life requirement we signify people live longer, but with no improvement in the top quality of their lives, then it would be much better whenever we do not have a lengthier existence expectancy.

In such cases, longer life expectancy would be unwanted. It would be better to live shorter but more happy lives than have one’s life continuous, to go through and perish slow, lurking and agonizing deaths. One other consideration regarding greater life span is about the result it would have got on contemporary society. Unless longer life expectancy as well brings about with it greater health, there may be going to become chaos.

In the event people live longer, it might mean that it will take them much longer to live out their senior years. This means reliance on the younger population. The younger and health¬ier era, or not directly the state, has to support the older. In fact , there have been forecasts that in the future there will be even more old persons in proportion towards the younger.

If this sounds a consequence of higher life expectancy, it can place a tension on the younger people because they would have to take care of their father and mother and grandpa and grandma while they will themselves fight to make a living. The final thing to consider is actually there will be overpopulation if there is higher life expectancy. You can actually see that the earth’s resourc¬es are not unlimited. There can come a time once there are too many people in the world in order to survive.

However we cannot rule out the possibility of earth colonies on the celestial satellite and perhaps actually other exoplanets. This appears to be a possibility in a century. In summary, though it is apparent that greater life expectancy is a good point, there are certain conditions that should go along with it. The most crucial thing may be the ability of the people to live longer lives indepen¬dently. Addititionally there is the concern of the earth being able to support the larger number of people living into it.

References Coale, A. M. 2003. “Increases in expectation of existence and populace growth. ” Population and Development Review, Vol. twenty nine, No . 1, pp. 113-20. Riley, J. C. 2001.

Rising Life span: A Global History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.. White, K. M. 2002. “Longevity advancements in high-income countries, 1955-96. ” Populace and Expansion Review, Volume. 28, Number 1, pp.

59-76. Wilmoth, J. L. 1998. “The future of human longevity: A demographer’s perspective. ” Scientific research, No . 280, pp. 395-97.

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Category: Existence,

Topic: Life, Life expectancy,

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