Bombardier can be described as successful business in the transportation industry. Bombardier has two divisions; The Aerospace and Transportation divisions.

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Bombardier Aeronautical is the third largest artist and producer of commercial plane in the world, and one of the leading suppliers of regional aircraft. The company encountered some challenges because of the company’s expansion strategy simply by acquisition.

The primary problem was communication concerns among systems which were diverse for each acquired company since Bombardier Aeronautical became a “textbook silo organization following acquiring to companies.

Conjunction with this problem, low visibility of inventory and lack of the use between the legacy systems was also important problem for the company.

Indications of the problem were process holdups hindrances impediments, sequential actions, low inventory turns, supplier proliferation and price inconsistency, and multiple Bills of fabric (BOM).

The business found a simple solution for this trouble that changing Bombardier Developing System (BMS) which was the group of IT applications to aid manufacturing activities to an Enterprise Resource Organizing (ERP) system.

First ERP Rendering: After $130million spent, initial ERP implementation discontinued mid-project in 2k. Failure of the attempt:

¢Focusing the setup on improper business procedures ¢An outdated company eye-sight

¢A weak sponsorship model

¢Insufficient participation of interior employees.

¢Employing too many consultants who having a limited knowledge of the company to assist in the project.

Second ERP Implementation (BMIS) Project: In 2001, a team of senior managers authored task management for the BMIS in order to establish a new integrated production system. BMIS was the 1st project to understand a wider ERP approach and a vision of an integrated firm, one company. It would support Bombardier Aerospace’s operations; would focus on the processes that promoting manufacturing, purchase, finance plus the engineering data to support these kinds of processes.

Concerns encountered simply by Training:

¢ Lack of process documentation or perhaps system features for teachers ¢3rd get together consultants ready training material

¢Lack of user-friendly, understandable schooling materials

¢Lack details to staff about necessity of training ¢Lack of centering on the roles (e-learning module)

¢Incomplete and relatively wrong info for training

¢Lack of explanation of the larger role & consequences of BMIS. ¢Shorter training period than what was planned

Problems encountered following Go Live:

¢Three weeks shutdown to implement new system

¢Lack of knowledge of user’s fresh responsibilities and roles ¢Blaming new system when found problem didn’t solve in a short period of time by support staff ¢Availability of aged system (some managers encouraged employees to work with old system) ¢Lack of implementing Standard Ledger

¢Not using reporting functionality simply by managers

BMIS was sent on time and below finances.

After Go real time some issues considered and inadequate areas improved: ¢Initial training reinforced with extra courses and training material. ¢”Day in the Life teaching documents manufactured by management group and these documents superior user’s frame of mind toward the device.

Saint Laurent Rendering: After second implementation “Mirabel project, a few of the issues had been solved and improved. ¢The important of user preparing was well recognized.

¢Managers of the Saint-Laurel plant had been convinced to own this project. ¢Everybody in the organization got informed regarding every period and details of the task. ¢Communication amongst employees and management pertaining to the task got better. ¢Users understood the alterations introduced by the new operations. ¢Attendance intended for the training started to be priority.

¢Users informed of the roles and responsibilities just before deploying the modern system.

Advice: Bombardier must apply the best ERP setup practices which include; ¢Understanding in the project by simply management and users: Bombardier did it about Saint-Laurel task. ¢Planning job: Bombardier made schedule for all those project and applied on their particular project. ¢Training: Giving teaching to users before employing the new system, and continuing training following implementation to make users to understand new program well. ¢Utilize mapping data techniques and conduct initial runs and testing simulations: Bombardiers executed ERP program on one site at the time.


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