The Things That they Carriedby simply Tim O’Brien is a hybrid text of the personal experience and the intense imagination with the author. It is regarding the Vietnam War as well as the effects around the mind, human body, and heart not just of men but as a region as a whole. O’Brien publishing depends on the utilization of symbols to aggressively portray what the battle was like plus the after effects. O’Brien uses symbolism as content, composition, and heroes to create a powerful piece of wonderful and cardiovascular wrenching text.

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The title of the story “The Things That they Carried symbolizes the stealthy travel with the Vietnamese troops which transported a gun and grain during the Vietnam War. This clashes strikingly with the tools, guns, and personal things that were carriedby American soldiers. The story is deals with first the Vietnam War, the war, and the re-adjustment of soldiers back in American culture.

O’Brien aggressively can be applied his perception that experts often need to employ “lies and “half truths to convey the real real truth to their target audience.

This content of the history is full ofof fictional distortion. This literary distortion symbolizes the the Vietnam Conflict, and the concerns which encountered Americans during this time period while knowingly excluding a lot of the political problems which breathed life in to Vietnam problems (Wesley). It is only through the distortion from the events the fact that real encounter can be conveyed.

Something in O’Brien being able to show the the actions of the doj and feeling of the Vietnam War is definitely his deliberate blurring of truth and fiction. “The Thing They Carried is subtitled as “a work of fiction and offers the following disclaimer “all the incidents, titles, and heroes are imaginary. The intentional blurring of reality with fiction is used by simply O’Brien to represent the fragmented and not real experiences of the Vietnam Battle.

O’Brien employs several characters while symbols. The character Bela is a symbol of earlier times. This is certainly a constant tip of how issues used to always be. Bela is a university friend of O’Brien’s. She died from tumor and O’Brien’s first true girl friend. It is not simply a mistake that his initial love is also his first experience with reduction. It truly is through her love and death the O’Brien discovers comfort in testimonies and day time dreaming which direct the plot during this history. In the same way, Kathleen is usually a symbol.

The girl with the little girl of the narrator and the lady represents the present and more importantly the future. O’Brien makes decision depending on what is great for her. She is affected by his stories with the war. She is his audience just like his readers are. In “The Man I Killed O’Brien talks about how the young enthusiast which he killed. This dead soldier signifies the pain and sense of guilt that is felt above war. O’Brien recounts the physical appearance from the soldier’s physique ” ripped open, injured, bleeding, and dead. Just as the soldier’s injury never cured, the seite an seite can be made that none will the universe (Jarraway 667).

O’Brien uses articles, structure, and characters to symbolize the way of thinking of American military as well as the ordinaire American intelligence. The aesthetic worth of O’Brien unorthodox strategy is unique but in focusing on the style he ignores the fundamental reasons why the war occurred in the first place. As well as America’s role inside the destruction of nation and it’s people. The Vietnam War is steeped in great controversy and fantasy. It is just through the writing of real life war tales combined with appropriate historical and political revealing that the real truth and the the case experience of the Vietnam Warfare can be regarded.


O’Brien, Tim (1998). The Things They Carried. New York, NYC: Broadway.

Jarraway, David 3rd there’s r. “Excremental Assault in Bernard O’Brien: Shock and Recovery in Vietnam War LiteratureMFS Modern Fiction Studies ” Volume forty-four, Number 3, Fall 98, pp. 695-711

Wesley, Marilyn. “Truth and Fiction in Tim O’Brien’s If I Expire in a Combat Zoneand The Things That they Transported. Spring 2002: 1-18.


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