five WHERE THE HEAD IS DEVOID OF FEAR My spouse and i. (i) The words ‘mind can be without fear’ mean that one does not have got any anxiety about oppression or compulsion. The poet is usually talking about the minds with the people of his nation. He says thus because his country was under the subjugation of the Uk, who perpetrated all sorts of oppression on his countrymen. (ii) What ‘the head is placed high’ suggest to have do it yourself respect. The top is bowed down due to exploitation and oppression from the Indians by British.

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It takes to be organised high with pride and dignity which will characterised the Indians just before India was reduced to the status of the subjugated country. (iii) By words ‘Where knowledge can be free’, the poet would like to say that in the country everybody should have the liberty to acquire understanding without any restriction. The constraints imposed around the spread expertise include the bias based on wealth, caste and religion. Further more, the United kingdom imposed limitations on the basis of the ruler (the British) plus the ruled (the Indians).

They will curbed the liberty of conversation and appearance by putting restrictions around the Press. (iv) Due to the limitations imposed on the spread of knowledge, people remained glued for their outdated persuits and customs and could certainly not think rationally. (v) A sonnet can be described as poem of fourteen lines divided into a great octave (the? rst ten lines) and a sestet (the previous six lines). The octave presents an idea, raises an argument, makes a proposition or positions a problem, while the sestet gives a solution to the problem carried by the octave. The composition ‘Where the Mind is With no Fear’ includes an octave, in which the poet talks about the wonderful characteristics his countrymen must obtain to make all their country totally free and heaven-like.

Since this composition is only part of the complete tune in his Nobel Prize winning operate, Gitanjali, we are able to say that this poem is known as a part of the full sonnet. 2. (i) In line with the poet, the narrow domestic walls or divisions based upon caste, course, colour, religious beliefs, creed, area and superstitions break up the earth into pieces or contradictory compartments. (ii) The slim domestic wall surfaces refer to slim local divisions created 6TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) by prejudices like caste, colour, creed, location and religion.

They are named ‘narrow’ by the poet because they are based on age- old persuits and customs and not on the basis of rational considering. (iii) The narrow home walls can harm the nation by creating divisions among people and thereby, undermining the oneness and integrity in the nation. (iv) The poet person wants to say that his countrymen should be able to express themselves truthfully without any fear. This individual feels so because his countrymen during those times did not have got freedom of expression while various constraints were made on the flexibility of conversation and the Press by the English. (v) Samples of alliteration are: (a) In which the world (b) Where words and phrases (vi) The poet shows that he includes a religious view by praying to The almighty to let his country awake to a happy heaven of freedom.

3. (i) ‘Tireless striving’ methods to work hard without getting tired to obtain perfection. The poet wants his countrymen to achieve the highest goals, i. electronic., freedom at all levels — political, faith based, spiritual, moral and mental. (ii) Reasoning allows a person to have clarity of thoughts without having to be restricted by simply narrow home walls just like caste, colour, creed, faith, region and superstitions. For this reason it has been compared to a clear stream which is totally free of all pollutants. (iii) ‘Dreary desert sand of dead habit’ is a metaphor.

Through this metaphor the poet person wants to declare his countrymen should help perfection in everything and really should not always be led astray from their aim in the dried desert of dead behaviors, i. e., in a place where outdated customs and traditions are followed. (iv) According to the poet person, the hurdles in achieving perfection range from the outdated persuits and customs based on reasonless thinking rather than sound thinking and scienti? c believed. (v) The? gure of speech in the third brand of the presented extract is a ‘metaphor’. Pertaining to explanation consider answer (iii) above. (vi) This composition by Rabindranath Tagore is definitely taken from his original quantity called Naibedya, which carries the title ‘Prarthana’, i. electronic., prayer.

In this poem, the poet prays to a common father-? gure, i. electronic. �, Goodness to let his country awake to a happy heaven of freedom. As a result, the composition is a music of plea. 7 4. (i) ‘Thee’ refers to Goodness. (ii) The mind of the poet’s countrymen is usually to be led forward to the ‘heaven of freedom’, i. e., to an great state where there is total freedom whatsoever levels — political, religious, spiritual, meaningful and intellectual. (iii) The phrase ‘Heaven of freedom’ means a great state, in which the poet desires the Almighty to lead his countrymen to.

The three attributes required to have the ability to attain the heaven of freedom contain: (a) there is no oppression and individuals can hold their very own heads rich in self-respect. (b) there are zero prejudices based on caste, color, creed, religious beliefs, region and superstitions. (c) people ought to work tirelessly to attain flawlessness in almost everything by following scienti? c believed and realistic thinking, without having to be led to stick to obsolete practices and persuits. (iv) ‘Father’ in the previously mentioned extract is actually a reference for God. He can awake the nation by leading the poet’s countrymen to a heavenly condition where there are generally kinds of independence and wherever they can hold their brain high in self esteem, without any fear of oppression or compulsion. (v) The poet prays intended for his region to attain all kinds of freedom — political, religious, psychic, moral and intellectual.

And later then it will attain the blissful bliss of flexibility, an ideal point out where his countrymen could hold their particular heads loaded with self-respect, won’t have a confused vision depending on prejudices and work tirelessly to attain excellence in every world of lifestyle. I. (i) The Inchcape rock is usually referred to in the extract. The rock lay hidden in the ocean off the east coast of Scotland.

That sometimes remained hidden below sea normal water during the large tide. (ii) The words ‘surge’s swell’ suggest the sea-waves moved down and up and went up high as a result of in? uence of tides. The warning bell refers to the bell added to the Inchcape rock by the Abbot of Aberbrothok, to offer a warning to the sailors about the danger from the ordinary. The alert bell was placed on a buoy and during high tides the motion of ocean made the buoy to? oat and in turn rang the bell and warned the sailors. THE INCHCAPE ROCK 8TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) (iii) The Rock was said to be risky because various ships had been wrecked because of it when it continued to be covered by ocean water throughout a high wave.

Sir Ralph’s ship minted against the Inchcape Rock and drowned inside the sea. (iv) The Head monk of a monastery or church is known as an Abbot. The mariners blessed the Abbot Aberbrothok because he positioned a bell on the Inchcape Rock, which in turn gave a warning to the mariners regarding the risky rock and thus, saved these people and their boats from too much water. (v) A ballad is known as a long story poem that tells a story. It is a heightened narration that uses narrative technique like rhyme and? gures of speech.

The 2 elements of ballad in the offered extract are the following: (a) The rhyming pattern implemented in this get is aabb (Swell- Bells; Rock-Aberbrothok). (b) There is a duplication of consonant sound at the start of words (alliteration) to help narration: 1 ) ….. surge’s swell 2 . ….. they II. (i) Sir Ralph was a rover or a sea pirate. Having been a wicked and envious man. (ii) The pleasant day in the spring period made the Rover sing. But the true reason is that in a such calm atmosphere he would have the ability to carry out his wicked prepare of defaming the Celibate of Aberbrothok by cutting off the bells from the Inchcape Rock and thereby, loot the riches from the shipwrecks.

The offered lines imply that the Rover’s heart was extremely satisfied but his joy was due to his wicked program. (iii) The Rover noticed the buoy of the Inchcape Rock just like a dark speck on the green ocean. This individual asked his sailors to lessen the boat and row him to the Inchcape Rock. (iv) The Rover wanted to move near the Inchcape Rock to cut off the warning bell to spoil the fame and reputation of the Abbot of Aberbrothok, who has placed the bell right now there and to loot the wealth from the shipwrecks. (v) The Rover is at a satisfied mood in the extract. His joyful feelings is lso are? ected inside the extract by his act of whistling and performing.

At the end with the poem, the Rover is at a feeling of give up hope and stress. 9 III. (i) The boatmen rowed the boat to the Inchcape Rock and roll. (ii) The Rover stop the bells from the Inchcape Rock. He did so out of jealousy and self-interest. He desired to spoil the fame and reputation of the Abbot of Aberbrothok, who may have placed the bell right now there.

It would likewise allow him to easily loot the wealth from your shipwrecks, caused by the Inchcape Rock. (iii) The Rover’s act of cutting the bell from your Inchcape Rock led to the collision of his dispatch with the ordinary and? nally, the drowning of the send with the Rover. (iv) Following performing the wicked action of reducing the bell from Inchcape Rock, the Rover declared from in that case onwards the mariners whom used to thank the Abbot would will no longer thank him. (v) The Abbot of Aberbrothok had kept the bell there. The bell was positioned on the? oat because the motion of the? oat during the large tide tends to make the bell ring and warn the sailors in the danger from your rock. (vi) The sailors, passing by simply earlier, blessed the Celibate of Aberbrothok for placing the warning bell on the Inchcape Rock and thereby, conserving them from your perilous mountain.

IV. (i) The Rover sailed away from the Inchcape Mountain. He started to be rich by simply looting the wealth from the ships that struck against the Inchcape Rock and roll. (ii) Following amassing wealth, the Rover was sailing towards the shore of Scotland. (iii) When the Rover was cruising, there was a thick haze over the atmosphere and no sun in the sky. There was strong gusts of wind and night all around. The next thunderstorm conditions forecasted that? nally the Rover would meet up with his result in the sea. (iv) The Rover was a evil man who was jealous in the fame and reputation of the Abbot of Aberbrothok. That is why he carried out his wicked plan of cutting off the warning bells on the Inchcape Rock, positioned there by Abbot.

He was a robber who became rich simply by looting the wealth from the shipwrecks. (v) The Celibate was a kind and caring man, who also placed a warning bell around the Inchcape Ordinary to forewarn the sailors about the risk to their boats from the risky rock. The Rover, alternatively, was a envious and wicked man, who also cut off the warning bells on the Inchcape Rock to defame the Abbot also to loot the wealth from the shipwrecks. V. (i) When the Rover fantastic sailors were going for the shore of Scotland, the weather was negative, with a thick haze over the atmosphere, no Sun in the sky and solid winds.

THE INCHCAPE ORDINARY 10 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) (ii) The words “the breakers roar” mean the roaring of the sea ocean, i. at the., the sound manufactured when the marine waves break on the shore. The breakers roar normally signify a higher tide if the sea dunes surge up and down with a great force. (iii) The sailors wished that they can could listen to the Inchcape Rock. The ringing in the bell may have indicated arsenic intoxication the perilous rock and therefore saved the ship via colliding with it. (iv) The sailors could not see any land on the way to Scotland’s shore as a result of bad weather. There was a thicker haze in the atmosphere and total darkness in the a shortage of the Sun in the sky.

Sir Rob was hopeful that the climate would improve by nighttime when the celestial satellite would within the heavens. (v) Inside the absence of the Inchcape Bells, no caution sound was heard by the sailors as well as the vessel hit against the Inchcape Rock. VI. (i) They will could not hear any appear due to the absence of the caution bell around the Inchcape Ordinary, which the Rover had cut-off. If the sailors had noticed the normal predicted sound with the warning bells from the Inchcape Rock, they will have salvaged the send from dazzling against the ordinary. (ii) (a) the get bigger is strong: there are strong waves in the sea. (b) They drifted along: That they moved slowly towards the shoreline. (iii) The vessel struck against the Inchcape Rock.

It absolutely was a shivering shock because the send collided with the rock as well as the waves by all sides started to engulf this. (iv) Friend Ralph was at a state of despair and shock if he realised that his send had minted against the Inchcape Rock. In his frustration, he pulled his hair and cursed him self. Sir Ralph’s ship hit the very rock from which he had removed the warning bells and sank in the sea. (v) Sir Ralph was a sea pirate. He was a wicked and jealous man. He used to loot wealth from the ships that fatally crashed up against the Inchcape Rock and roll.

But when the Abbot of Aberbrothok put a alert bell, he cut off the bell to defame the excellent Abbot and put the other helpless sailors into trouble. However , he got caught in his own trap of mischief when his ship hit against the Inchcape Rock and sank inside the sea alongwith him. (vi) The ethical conveyed through this poem is—As you sow, so shall you reap. The Rover cut-off the bell from the Inchcape Rock, yet his personal ship minted against the very Rock due to absence of any warning sound and sank in the sea. 11 VII. (i) The Rover could hear his tragedy ship, which seemed to him like the audio made by the Inchcape Bell.

The sound was dreadful because there was no possibility of surviving the shipwreck. (ii) The sound of the Inchcape Bell was a forewarning with the danger through the perilous mountain to the sailors and was thus life-saving. The terrible sound, on the other hand was that from the sinking dispatch that signalled the end of Sir Ralph. Therefore , it appeared to be like a funeral bell being run by the Satan himself. (iii) The Devil below was buzzing his knell mean that the sound which Friend Ralph was hearing seemed to him like the sound in the Inchcape bell.

But in fact the sound was that of the tragedy ship. (iv) Sir Rob, the Rover cut off the warning bell, which the Celibate of Aberbrothok acquired planted within the Inchcape Rock and roll as a admonishment to the sailors. But Friend Ralph’s very own ship struck against the incredibly rock due to the absence of any forewarning nicely drowned inside the sea with Sir Ralph. Thus, the evil that Sir Ralph plotted for the Religious and the additional sailors, recoiled on him. (v) The Inchcape Rock is a ballad comprising adventure, valour and jealousy. Sir Ralph, the pirate, went on an excitement trip for the sea with his sailors. He had the valour to take the risk of cutting off the bell in the Inchcape Mountain, which the Abbot of Aberbrothok had put there to warn the sailors.

This individual did this wicked rebel of envy as he could hardly accept the popularity of the favorable Abbot and wanted to defame him. He also did so because of sel? sh motive as he accustomed to make wealth by looting money in the ships that crashed following striking against the Inchcape Rock. I. (i) The vendors are inside the bazaars of Hyderabad. They can be selling their very own goods in the market.

The words ‘Richly displayed’ imply that the goods being sold in the industry have been attractively displayed by merchants to attract the buyers. (ii) The goods on sale in this market included crimson and silver turbans, magenta brocade tunics, mirrors framed in brown yellow colour and daggers with grips of jade. (iii) The poet commences the stanza with a problem to generate an answer from your vendors regarding the goods they are selling. This pattern IN THE BAZAARS OF HYDERABAD 12 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) of question-answer is used to create out the beauty of the classic bazaars of Hyderabad.

The poet has used repetition as well as lyrics filled with vibrant and vibrant images to explain the landscape. (iv) (a) Mirrors with panels of amber suggest the mirrors having casings of brownish and yellow-colored colour. (b) Scabbards of gold pertaining to the california king mean sheaths of precious metal for the King to hold his swords in. (v) The California king and his noble are the very likely customers of tunics of purple brocade and daggers with handles of jade. (vi) The visual symbolism is triggered by bringing up the various colors of colours with this stanza like silver, crimson, purple, amber and jade. II. (i) Chessmen are definitely the pieces deployed on a chessboard for playing the game of chess.

Off white dice refers to small de made of ivory, having 6 sides figures by dots from one to six. They are used to play childish games. (ii) Saffron, lentil, rice, sandalwood, henna and seasonings are sold by weight, whereas chessmen and ivory dice can be purchased by quantities. (iii) The sellers of numerous goods in the bazaars of Hyderabad happen to be referred to as vendors and stores. The retailers, who begin from place to place with the goods on the market are called the pedlars. (iv) Food products included saffron, lentil and rice.

Plastic items included sandalwood and henna as well as the recreational items included chessmen and ivory dice. (v) The sensory faculties of sight are activated in this get by the numerous colours in the items like saffron, lentil, grain, sandalwood, henna and various spices. The sense of taste is definitely produced by the mention of basic piece Indian meals like lentil and rice and seasonings.

III. (i) The jeweller’s shop can be referred to in the extract. ‘Girdles of gold’ mean decorative belt made from gold put on round the midsection by the dancers. ‘Scabbards of gold’ consider the sheaths of precious metal for the king to hold his swords in. (ii) The items of gold available included throughout like wristlets, anklets, wedding rings, belts of gold put on by the dancers and sheaths for swords used by the kings. The gold jewellery reveals that both the owners and the buyers belonged to the wealthy sections of the culture. 13 (iii) Bells were tied to your toes of blue pigeons since ornaments as well as id marks.

Sheaths of precious metal were used by the kings, girdles (belts) were employed by dancers and wristlets, anklets and bands were utilized by other people. (iv) “Frail as a dragon-? y’s wing” means as fragile as the wings of your dragon-? y. Frail is an likely description for describing the delicateness of the bells tied to the feet of blue pigeons. (v) The poet has described the Indian products at the Indian bazaars for 2 reasons: (a) to illustrate the elegance of American indian bazaars which beckon the customers with their appears, scents and goods. (b) to extoll the Indians to buy Swadeshi goods and boycott foreign goods. IV. (i) The fruits included lemons, pomegranates and plums, while the musical instruments included sitar, sarangi and trommel. (ii) The poet asks the musicians what musical technology instruments they can be playing and asks the magicians what exactly they are chanting. (iii) Spells pertaining to aeons to come imply the marvelous spells used by the magic to charm everyone until eternity using their chanting. (iv) The whole poem is Indian in circumstance and display as it describes the beauty and vibrance of any traditional American indian bazaar.

The landscape, the characters, the photographs and the backdrop is typically Of india — just like: (a) the mention of dresses worn by Indians just like turbans and tunics. (b) the platinum ornaments put on by Indians like wristlets, anklets, bands and girdles. (c) the musical devices played by Indians like sitar, sarangi and plats. (d) the food items like lentil and rice and spices or herbs and fruits like lemons, pomegranates and plums. (e) the use of new? owers about both completely happy and unfortunate occasions. (v) The magicians are present in the bazaar to get chanting magical spells to charm absolutely free themes. (vi) The panoramic watch of the Indian bazaars presented in the composition with its shades of coloring, sounds, smells and sights has appealed to me the most because it provides glimpse in the Indian tradition, society and prosperity. INSIDE THE BAZAARS OF HYDERABAD 14 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) V. (i) The poet person has featured the job of simple folks in India just like the merchants, pedlars, vendors, fruit sellers, goldsmiths, musicians, magicians and? ower girls. (ii) The? owers are used upon happy events like wedding for making garlands for the bridegroom and decorate his nuptial pickup bed.

The? owers are used in sad situations such as death to spend the last values by inserting? owers around the dead body or the graves. (iii) Caps, chaplets and garlands were used for making garlands pertaining to the lick and for decorating his nuptial bed. (iv) ‘Tassels of azure and red’ suggest ornamental posts of sky-blue and red colour tied up at 1 end for making garlands and nuptial beds for the bridegroom. (v) “To parfum the sleep of the dead” mean to place sheets of freshly accumulated? owers on the dead body or around the graves, which usually give enjoyable smell. We. (i) The soldier boy was sitting underneath a tree through the war as they was fatally wounded and could not get up. (ii) The soldier was sitting steadly because he was fatally injured during the battle, was parched and could not get any help from any individual around. (iii) The enthusiast asked the narrator to come near him because he was thirsty and needed a sip of water. (iv) The fight had been everything can be discerned from the deep craters in the earth plus the number of dead bodies from the soldiers, that the narrator may see lying all around. (v) In the previously mentioned extract, the poet really wants to convey the horrors of war and the agony from the soldiers, who have? ght it on the battle? eld.

II. (i) The narrator continues to be referred to by the soldier because ‘Sir’. He was on the struggle? eld during that time. (ii) The soldier, in line with the narrator, ‘smiled as best this individual could’ to hide his soreness and experiencing him. That shows the spirit of a soldier, who also gives up his life for his region, with a laugh on his confront.

15 (iii) The enthusiast wanted “A sip of water” as they was parched and fatigued for he previously fought a good and difficult battle through the entire night and was fatally wounded. (iv) The soldier could not take any snooze because he had been? ghting continuously day and night resistant to the enemy. That tells us about the disasters of war and soreness and struggling the soldiers had to go through on the challenge? eld. (v) The jewellry was using a pain in his chest as a result of wound he previously sustained during the? ght around the battle? eld. Being a true soldier, who also considers anything smaller than his duty to get his nation, the enthusiast called this as ‘small pain’.

Further more, in comparison to the soldiers, who had received larger injuries and had succumbed to their accidents on the battle? eld, his was a small pain. III. (i) The top stain around the soldier’s shirt was caused by a wound this individual received when? ghting within the battle? eld. (ii) ‘warm blood mixed in with Asian dirt’ identifies the blood oozing out from the pains of the jewellry and combining with the dirt and grime of the Asian soil since the battle was being fought in Asia. (iii) By saying “Not much”, the soldier desired to say that his wound was nothing in comparison to the wounds experienced by his fellow soldiers, who succumbed to their accidental injuries.

He explained so because he was still surviving. (iv) The soldier regarded as himself even more lucky than his many other soldiers because they died of the traumas sustained through the war, when he was continue to alive. 4. (i) The soldier was feeling poor and said that his weak spot must be due to fatigue. His fatigue was caused by? ghting day and night on the challenge? eld. (ii) The enthusiast smiled weakly because he acquired sustained fatal wounds and was in pain.

It shows that though the soldier was in pain, he was looking to hide his suffering in the true spirit of a enthusiast. (iii) The soldier felt that he was getting outdated because he discovered himself weak and worn out after combating it out on the warfront. (iv) The gift felt cold despite the shimmering sun as the light of his your life was fading, i. electronic., he was going to die because of the fatal pains that he had received within the battle? eld. (v) ‘The night exploded’ means that a great explosion occurred at night. Because of the exploding market the soldier got perilous wounds on his SMALL DISCOMFORT IN MY BREASTS 16 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) physique, whereas several his fellow soldiers passed away because of the accidents sustained through the explosion.

Versus. (i) The narrator referred to the soldier’s smile as the best that he has at any time seen since the soldier wanted to express his gratitude to the narrator to get providing drinking water to him as well as to cover the discomfort he was long-lasting. (ii) The soldier was suffering from fatal physical traumas sustained throughout the explosion at nighttime on the challenge? eld. As a result of these traumas he was feeling physically weak and tired. (iii) The soldier deemed it ridiculous to be defeated by a small pain in the chest because he was a fresh, healthy guy, full of energy and enthusiasm, who have could have conquered even death. (iv) The soldier experienced ashamed of himself to think about his wife’s response when she would see her husband, a powerful and matured man, sitting there defeated.

This individual felt that his mom would never include imagined during his years as a child that one day his son would be sitting on the struggle? eld, conquered by a little pain in his chest. (v) ‘HERE’ refers to the battle? eld. The soldier was undergoing a mental pain at the considered the reaction his wife and mother would have on discovering him seated defeated on the battle? eld. VI. (i) The gift felt that it was getting dark earlier than it was once because the light of his life was fading, when he was little by little losing consciousness because of the fatal injuries endured on the struggle? eld and seeing the darkness all over him. (ii) ‘He’ refers to the soldier.

He winced up at the sun with an expression of pain in the face to? nd away why was it getting dark so early despite the shining sun. (iii) (a) In the given collection, the soldier told the narrator that before he’d start his journey further more, he would prefer to take a small rest. It signi? sera the soldier’s spirit to carry on his obligation after taking little others. It is also symbolic of the? nal journey, i actually. e., fatality, towards which the soldier was heading. (b) The narrator said “I think I have to have cried”.

He said so as they could not remember what was his reaction when the wounded jewellry died facing his sight. It signi? es the narrator was petri?  ed on seeing the horrifying death with the soldier. (iv) When the narrator pulled the soldier toward himself this individual felt the wound in his chest as well as the gravity with the pain the soldier was enduring. 17 (v) The narrator declared that he had a sizable wound in his heart in comparison to the small one out of the soldier’s heart because he was damage by the suffering of the dead soldier, and felt the guilt for humanity at not being able to stop war and thereby, end the suffering of the soldiers.

VII. (i) The expression ‘Asian dirt’ means Asian dirt and this indicates that the war was struggled in Asia. The two issues experienced by soldier included: (a) The physical soreness caused by the fatal pains sustained around the battle? eld. (b) The emotional agony at getting lonely and surrounded by lifeless bodies and the thought of his family’s response on discovering him defeated. (ii) Despite sustaining fatal injuries during the war, the soldier did not leave the battle? eld because he deemed it for his duty to continue the? ght until the end and die cheerful while doing his work in the true spirit of any soldier. (iii) The key phrase “a small pain inside my chest” is a refrain which will is repeated throughout the poem to stress the pain and suffering a enthusiast undergoes around the battle? eld. (iv) Yes, indeed the poem includes a poignant closing.

It the actual readers—(i) go through the agony a soldier endures on the fight? eld; and (ii) appreciate the disasters of battle and the have to give up battles for the sake of humankind. (v) Little Pain inside my Chest is definitely an anti-war poem that describes the horrors of war and conveys the message to shun hatred and combat. I. (i) The audio wants to say that all his children, we. e., his sons will be economically very well off wonderful two daughters are happily married. (ii) By simply saying, “Both have cars”, the loudspeaker wants to express that the two his daughters are well off and have a standing in contemporary society.

It conveys that in Indian world the really worth of an individual is scored more by his? nancial status than anything else. (iii) The “other” is a guide for the speaker’s third son. The speaker says that he can not undertaking “so well” because when compared to his THE PROFESSOR 18 TEACHERS’ GUIDE (ICSE POEMS) other two sons, with managerial jobs and are economically well away, he is less successful because they are. (iv) Simply by saying, “Every family must have black sheep”, the speaker intends to say that in every family members there is a person, who is different from the rest of the along with is an embarrassment to the family.

The speaker regarded as his third son while the black sheep in the family as they was not too off because his additional two daughters. (v) The extract implies that Indians value economic accomplishment more than academic success through the speaker’s attitude, who steps the success of his two kids by their bureaucratic jobs and the cars they owned. 2. (i) Sarala and Tarala are the speaker’s daughters. The practice of giving rhyming names towards the siblings like ‘Sarala and Tarala’ is definitely shown with this extract. (ii) The loudspeaker says that his two daughters ‘Sarala and Tarala’ are have been to wonderful boys.

The speaker’s brief review about wedding of Sarala and Tarala hints at the gender bias prevalent in Indian society, which looks at the success of a man by his economic status and a woman’s by simply getting married to a nice boy. (iii) Simply by saying, “How many concerns you have”, the speaker wants to inquire from his student about the number of kids he has. He is leading this question to his former college student. (iv) In reply to his former student’s remark that he offers three kids, the audio says “That is good”. The speaker considers his student having three children as “good”. (v) The speaker is not against family planning.

The irony from this statement is the fact that that though the speaker says that he is not against family preparing, yet he feels pleased at having eleven grandchildren. (vi) The poem The Professor can be described as satire within the urban American indian way of life as it satirises: (a) the metropolitan Indian society, which actions the success of a male by his economic success rather than his academic brilliance. (b) gender bias present in Indian culture which thinks that female should be have been and que contiene? ned inside the.

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Arnold’s touchstone method is a comparative way of criticism. According to this method, in order to evaluate a poet’s work properly, a essenti should assess it to passages extracted from ...

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