Excerpt from Term Paper:

Cross-Cultural associations in Post-War Japan

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All the cross-cultural lovers depicted in Joshua Logan’s 1957 film Sayonara need to contend with political, social, ethnical, and personal barriers. The United States Military services has rigid and official policies that forbid associations between American soldiers and Japanese ladies. Moreover, the American authorities will not permit the Japanese brides to be of military to become U. S. individuals. Despite these laws, about 10, 500 American military have already wedded Japanese ladies, in spite of the daunting paperwork and sociable stigma engaged. In fact , these types of soldiers also need to deal with extreme restrictions prove stations and reassignments. These sanctions are created specifically to deter soldiers by pursuing cross-cultural relationships, and in addition threaten to split up already couples. These political barriers go with the pervasive personal bias and interpersonal sanctions against cross-cultural associations. For example , both Major Lloyd Gruver (Marlon Brando) and Hana Ogi (Miiko Taka) hold small to their bias until that they fall helplessly in love with the other person. The business lead relationship in the film between Major Lloyd Gruver and Hana Ogi develops to expose how lovers can efficiently overcome their own pride, prejudice, as well as the disapproval they get from other people. Moreover, Lloyd and Hana Ogi face losing their particular jobs and livelihood if they follow their relationship. Joe Kelly (Red Buttons) and his Japanese people wife Katsumi (Miyoshi Umeki) face precisely the same difficulties that Lloyd and Hana Ogi do, nonetheless they deal with their very own cultural barriers differently. The different conflicts these types of couples deal with include the officially sanctioned rules, familial and social pressures, language and cultural obstacles, and internal pride and prejudices.

At first, Major Gruver is filled with prejudices that stop him by accepting cross-cultural relationships. Lloyd’s prejudices against cross-cultural marriages come mostly from his Army indoctrination. He conveys his disapproval of Paul Kelly’s wedding ceremony to Katsumi, but confirms to be the best man on the wedding as they values their particular friendship. This is actually the beginning of the breakdown of Lloyd’s prejudice. At the beginning of the film, Lloyd appears content to be engaged towards the General’s girl Eileen Webster (Patricia Owens). The two of them will be well-suited for each other and the General and his wife prefer their romantic relationship. However , it might be apparent that Gruver basically truly fond of Eileen. Lloyd overcomes his prejudices also because Hana Ogi’s physical beauty and style astounds him. Likewise, Hana Ogi was as prejudiced against People in the usa as Lloyd was against the Japanese whenever they first achieved because her father was killed simply by an American bomb. However , the girl can’t support but fall for the necklaces of Major Gruver. One of many ways in which Lloyd and Hana Ogi conquer their cultural differences can be through outfit and vocabulary. Hana Ogi speaks

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