Adolescence, Adolescent Depression, Peer Pressure, Healthful Lifestyle

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This includes elements such as peer pressure, family life plus the norms and values of society that often are identifying factors inside the development of the person.

The above discussion leads to several central a conclusion. The first is there are many interrelated variables that could lead to certain negative patterns of habit. What is of particular concern is that negative factors including alcohol and also other forms of substance abuse tend to be linked to social and cultural norms thast encourage these kinds of patterns of behavior, with no taking cognizance of their effect on the health of the.

The interrelatedness of these elements also suggests that a comprehensive and detailed research of the several factors that may lead to these adverse patterns of behavior must be investigated and understood. There is little uncertainty that a more comprehensive comprehension of the factors and variables that are associated with these habit patterns in this demographic is extremely important for the future well being of world. For example , the increase in adolescent obesity can be described as factor which needs to be addressed with a direct perception by improving counter steps such as exercising but likewise by comprehending the link among obesity and important concerns such as loss of self-esteem – which can subsequently lead to other negative habit patterns such as substance abuse.


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