This post discusses how communication, or lack thereof, affects student outcomes in the online learning environment.

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The author is trying to communicate the importance of conversation, teamwork, and quality type in on-line learning. Beaudoin proposed that online college students can master and master content whether or not they appear “invisible” in the online community (Beaudoin, 2002). The idea is that a less skilled pupil would “lurk” or watch other learners more experienced and skilled and find out from them.

Nagel on the other hand proposed that most “successful” students actively participated in the online environment (Nagel, 2009). These nonparticipants were coined since “lurkers” or read just participants. The studies on the other hand determined that we now have many ways to become a non-participant. Read only members read the materials and discussions/posts but continue to be silent within their studies. These kinds of read just participants pick more information than the other non-participants.

There are also nonparticipants who get involved but hardly ever offer anything of value. These types of students content and respond but generally offer almost no of value towards the online community. The poorly visible students happen to be described as learners with connectivity and technology issues that connect using different means (cellular phones) immediately with the instructor and keep current on function but seem to be nonparticipatory to others. Lastly, you will find the non-participants we frequently think of.

The absent student who just doesn’t seem to be in the category. They neglect assignments, put work off on others in teams, don’t participate in discussions, and usually do not assessment a majority of the reading (Nagel, 2009). Though some of these students may be gaining, even if simply slightly through the virtual community, to get involved actively is definitely the proven way to achieve success. The study showed that students who posted top quality discussions, logged in, recently had an elevated volume of discourse with peers and the teacher, and accomplished posted assignments were one of the most successful in their education.

Students that were regarded well above average were signing in nearly triple the amount of times while the additional students and posting well crafted discussion with several colleagues per week. Additionally they had hits on a many the required and suggested studying for each training course. On the other hand, learners who were hardly ever logging in, having sporadic hits on the reading materials, and being inactive in discussions including peers commonly dropped your class before finalization. Although browse only individuals may acquire some benefit from the online community they can be not reaping the full advantage, which the online communities have to offer, with nonparticipation.

Allowing for a few exceptions, most powerful students happen to be active within their discussions, fill in quality articles and assignments, and definitely participate in groups. Nagel, L., Blignaut, A. S., & Cronjé, J. C. (2009). Read-only participants: a case for student communication in classes online.

Interactive Learning Environments, 17(1), 37-51. doi: 10. 1080/10494820701501028

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Category: Lifestyle,

Topic: Community, Essay, Hardly ever, Other hand, Virtual,

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