When comparing “Mother To Son” with “Mending Wall” the communication given is the fact with hard work, either manual or mental life offers rewards.

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In “Mother To Son” the mother would like to pass her knowledge of lifestyle to him, that absolutely nothing is free and with hard work you will get the feeling of accomplishments. The mom speaks of her issues in life, although even with those she has often had wish. Even through the darkest moments in her life she never gave up. What greater gift may a mother pass on with her child?

The gifts than come from the cardiovascular system are the greatest. She is planning to let him know that even though she has been hiking all her life she is going to not quit. Even though the history of “Mending Wall” centering on the hard labor that comes once a year to neighbors fixing a common wall structure between their particular properties additionally, they share good times together. “Good fences make good neighbor’s”. (page 1881) The neighbor’s speak of hunter’s that have approved during the year.

Their very own walk of the wall provides each neighbor a time to share and reflect on the past years events’ with one another. Both testimonies differ inside their style, “Mother To Son” gives a hidden approach to life. She’s trying to provide him subtle strikes of the particular road of life provides. “Mending Wall” gives a immediate approach, it’s a chat between friends and neighbors that happens annually, once it occurs they go returning to the way they had been. Langston Barnes was born in Joplin, Missouri, James Langston Hughes was a member of an abolitionist friends and family.

His first published composition was as well one of his most famous, “The Negro Talks of Rivers”, and it appeared in Brownie’s Publication. Later, his poems, brief plays, essays and brief stories came out in the NAACP publication Crisis Magazine in addition to Opportunity Publication and other publications. ( http://www.redhotjazz.com/hughes.html) Robert Lee Frost was one of America’s leading 20th-century poets and a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Reward. An essentially pastoral poet often linked to rural Fresh England, Ice wrote poetry whose philosophical dimensions surpasse any region.

Although his verse varieties are traditional–he often said, in a dig at archrival Carl Sandburg, that he’d as soon play tennis with out a net while write free verse–he was a pioneer in the interplay of rhythm and meter and the poetic use of the vocabulary and inflections of everyday speech. His poetry is thus both equally traditional and experimental, regional and common. (http://www.robertfrost.org/indexgood.html) Functions Cited Baym, Nina. “The Norton Anthology of American Books. ” 2003 http://www.redhotjazz.com/hughes.html http://www.robertfrost.org/indexgood.html

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Category: Lifestyle,

Topic: Essay, Hard work, Life,

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