Lifestyle is a unique way of life of men and women or teams. Culture can be manifested in all aspects of your life which include norms and beliefs such as era, language, sexuality and sociable values just like religion, matrimony and transitional phase.

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Different ethnical groups norms and values compare and contrast from a single cultural group to another because shown inside the table using a case study of western, Africa, Islamic, Hinduism and Chinese language culture culture. Age impact on learning while young people are definitely more able to examine, understand and conceptualize than the older people. Also due to age group barrier the young can be unable to find out certain problems such as command. Where there is usually gender discrimination for instance, a female child is usually discriminated and therefore are not accessed to education.

Where there is gender equal rights there is tendency of competition thus increasing learning procedure. Learning will probably be slow where there is terminology barrier or perhaps if vocabulary needs to be converted from one towards the other, this hampers understanding and connection. Social beliefs influence learning for instance in Africa, following initiation young ladies went for marriage while kids became warriors.

This curtails continuity with education. Referrals: Marjorie Ebort, Margaret Gisler. (1999). job for tradition lovers and other artsy types, McGraw-hill specialist

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Category: Tradition,

Topic: Culture, Their, Ways,

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