A symbol, in and of itself is incapable, but with enough people to it, blowing up a building can change the world” (V, 2006). The movie Sixth is v for Punition is set in present day Greater london. Although the incidents which take place in the movie don’t have any historical circumstance, they are still relatable to modern day issues regarding federal government.

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The movie presents one of the main characters Evey, as a common individual that is frightened and can’t act on her own decisions, which makes the movie relatable for the audience today. There are a lot of signs used to portray the various designs of the motion picture. Specifically, the portrayal of democracy can be achieved through symbols such as the constant overall look of “v”, Norsefire which can be the group controlling the government, the tulips, Evey and her function in the final event and V him self. The page “v” which also is the Roman numeral 5, is constantly brought on towards the movie along with the number five.

Inside the very first views of the film, V offers a monologue which can be packed with words that all begin with the letter “v”. His speech identifies his concepts and programs to take over the government which can be now dodgy and controls every aspect of the people’s lives. November the 5th, which is overly highlighted in the movie, represents V’s struggle to get democracy. Nov 5th can be described as holiday to get Guy Fawkes, who perished in his make an attempt to overthrow corrupt government.

This kind of idea of going after democracy, simply by tying V’s actions in Guy Fawkes’ ideas, can be represented throughout the movie by constant use of the number a few and “v”. Beethoven’s Sixth symphony, the V on his cell for Larkhill, the overuse of “November the 5th”, and V’s id of himself as only “V”, most symbolize V’s ideas and actions of overthrowing the totalitarian authorities. Norsefire is definitely the group who have controls the us government in the film.

How Norsefire came into electricity is afterwards shown inside the movie, which can be one of the main reasons intended for V’s vindicte. The Norsefire emblem may be the Cross of Lorraine, which is a symbol for patriotism. The red mix symbolizes the government’s cruelty and bloodshed. Norsefire is shown to be against things such as art, music, and homosexuality; things that provide free thinking.

The idea of totalitarian government is likewise seen through the “fingermen” who have enforce curfews and the mass media control through “The Tone of London”. All of these items symbolize tyranny and the people’s fear of behaving out against it. Mainly because these signs emphasize the totalitarian federal government, they contrast the suggestions of democracy in return, rendering it more evident in the movie. A crucial and highlighted symbol in the movie may be the constant use of roses.

Tulips are a widespread symbol for love and beauty. Most significant to the context of the video is the increased as a sign of social democracy. V gives a increased to every person he gets rid of, the people whom all had a part in corrupting the us government, as well as eradicating thousands of harmless people. This symbolizes V’s attempt at looking to achieve rights for those.

In the video, the government settings everything and restricts the word of different suggestions by the people. Since the rose is a symbol of cultural democracy, it is use in the movie could be pertaining to representing the ideals of democracy. The roses are also a way of Sixth is v justifying his murderous actions and demonstrating that this individual has a bigger sense of purpose than just creating fear. All of these icons combined causes the rand theme/symbol from the movie. V himself is a symbol of the concepts of democracy.

In his last fighting scene V says, “Beneath this mask there exists more than flesh. Beneath this kind of mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof. ” Sixth is v himself is actually a representation in the ideas of democracy and justice.

Even though V drops dead, the idea which usually he reached identify him self with endures with Evey and the remaining portion of the people as Evey says, “He was Edmond Dantes, and having been my father, and my mom, my brother, my good friend. He was me and you. He was most of us. ”

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