The Glass Menagerie

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In The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, the narrator Tom filters the story through his own memories. It causes the characters being presented in a way that is altered through Toms personal confusion. In completing his target of finding delight, Tom comes to the conclusion which it can be accomplished only throughout the path that his dad took. This leads to Tom analyzing the activities made by the folks around him through a filtering. Every completely happy facial expression or activity is innately a way to undercover dress one’s accurate emotions to Tom. Besides Tom, the Glass Menagerie does not really represent whom the personas are and thus every action is only a representation of Tom’s personality development, and of his desires and purposes in terms of obtaining happiness.

Toms pleasure comes from avoiding one’s challenges. When he discusses his dad he recognizes a stressed but nevertheless content man. “I’m like my father. The krydsning son of any bastard child! Did you observe how he’s grinning in in the photo there? And hes recently been absent going on sixteen years” (Williams 64)! Tom seems that this individual still has your own relationship along with his father despite the fact that he has become absent for some of his life. This kind of desire for a relationship originates from admiring the act that his father was content with his lifestyle. Tom pinpoints with his father as he observes both his dad’s positive and bad qualities. He thinks he can “like his father” meaning he feels he has the good and bad attributes of him. When ever showing John a picture of his father, Tom remarks “notice just how hes grinning? ” obviously believing that the smile signals an inner happiness. Tom does not include very much remaining of his father, and thus he sets extreme emphasis on this one photo of him in the house. When he stares in the picture the grin in the face converts into a existence of delight for his father. While Tom admires his fathers contentedness this individual begins to believe the only way to be joyful is to perform what this individual did, and so no one more is able to get hold of happiness.

In St Louis, Jeff believes joy is a cover of authentic emotions and for that reason only bogus happiness exists. At work, Jeff views bogus happiness the moment his co-workers “hostility wore off and began to smile at myself as people smile at an oddly created dog who trots throughout their path” (William 50-51). Tom is extremely sarcastic in the way he describes his colleagues. He seems that his co-workers watch him while an “oddly fashioned dog” meaning hes weird and out of place. This individual views their particular smiles as a way to cover up their sympathy they will feel intended for him because he is so different. Tom as well feels that Amanda uses happiness to protect up her true emotion and this individual sees this kind of when Jim is in their home. While John and Laura are within a separate space “there is a peal of girlish laughter from Amanda in the kitchen. inch Amanda is very persistent can be showing Jeff her familys southern food that your woman puts on a fake personality in order to cover how anxious she really is. Your woman uses a “girlish laughter” to be able to hide her true emotions of anxiety and to attraction Jim. Her laughter is in no way true happiness, although instead, a device used to cover who the girl really is.

Lauras actions also convey the idea of employing happiness to disguise internal feelings. Following being devastated by the news of Jim’s engagement, she fakes glee to avoid injuring Amanda’s thoughts. “Laura’s darker hair covers her face until towards the end of the talk she take you it to smile in her mom. ” Laura is clearly still incredibly upset regarding the events that occurred with Jim because she sits down in a depressed state with hair above her confront. At the end from the scene, nevertheless , she reveals her deal with not because sudden happiness accrued, but for “smile at her mother” in order to become though Amandas plan couldnt not end up terribly. Absolutely not does Ben inherently believe that people are cheerful, but rather the contrary. Everybody that they can witness this individual sees as a lacking genuine contentment. The sole exception is definitely someone that he hasnt viewed for more than of sixteen years, his father.

To escape apathy, Tom chose to leave St . Louis. In the journey, however , he will not find what he was seeking to. “From after that on inside my fathers actions, attempting to find in motion that which was lost in space” (Williams 97). Jeff tries to get the happiness his father features by following his “father’s footsteps”. He tries to gain this kind of by moving in “motion” which means he seems he must keep moving in order to find answers. He understands however that what hes looking for can be “lost in space” which means what he is looking for cannot be found wonderful ideas are unrealistic. It was certainly not until this individual left his family and home that he realized that his fathers delight was just an illusion he developed and the concept of finding this happiness can be “lost in space” and may never be achieved. Tom put in his life looking at a photo of a person grinning and fantasizing about his happiness despite the fact that he hadnt noticed him in sixteen years. Looking for his father’s joy he believed that the only way to gain true pleasure was to do what he did and leave. This kind of caused him to see any happiness described by the people living in St . Louis because false.

Tom produced his dads happiness so as to have hope for the future, but as period went on the greater he checked out his dads grin the more he thought that his father was the only one that was content. This result in the Goblet Menagerie staying narrated through the illusion that everyone is fake when in reality it is only Toms memories that remembers the characters activities as hiding the truth. The filter which the Glass Menagerie is narrated through simply allows you to see just how Tom opinions the personas and does not enable an unbiased character advancement the characters in Toms life.

Work Cited

Williams, Tennessee. The Cup Menagerie. Fresh Directions, 99.

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