The life we are given influences what we do, but it is up to us to decide the future. Chasteness can mean purity, virginity, naivety, or insufficient knowledge. These kinds of different definitions are varied, but four characters inside the Kite Athlete embody a number of of these meanings of innocence: Amir, Assef, Hassan, and Sohrab. The life span we are provided influences what we do, but is up to us to make the decision our foreseeable future. In The Kite Runner, we could identify the protagonist and the antagonist.

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Amir, the protagonist, develops to fit the hero archetype when he discovers to be selfless and will save Sohrab. Initially, Amir is an harmless boy who acts in line with the life he was given. He could be privileged and a Pashtun, and his actions reflect these kinds of qualities. Amir grows and learns how you can be independant and how to become someone who can be depended after. Amir starts off his pursuit of payoff when he returns to Afghanistan. He wishes “to do well again (2).

In the quest, Amir faces many challenges that could easily push a man to quit. He provides a life in the usa which could end up being destroyed because of the dangers of Afghanistan. Memories of his previous sins keep coming back during his pursuit, but eventually, he turns into the hero and continues this perilous journey, understanding he may not be able to finish the quest. His new found courage also matches Amir in to the warrior archetype. He had to sacrifice his safety to fight for Sohrab’s freedom and redeem himself. As the hero with the story, Amir is a figure that visitors have a very good bond with.

They will rally intended for him or perhaps criticize his actions, in the end they really want him to have success. Maybe a little too long. Guidelines though and Memories of his earlier may be repetitive create a phrase before opting for assef to create smooth changeover.. eone who also he could trust and put his beliefs in. This individual trusts Amir enough might him: “Will God set me in hell for what I did to this man?  (318).

This demonstrates he is still innocent in spite of all this individual has been through. Very quickly, yet , whatever innocence he had remaining was again robbed. Amir promised Sohrab he would not put Sohrab in an orphanage again, although later explains to Sohrab that he may have to stay at an orphanage. The main one person Sohrab thought he could rely on betrayed him, and this individual just could hardly take this anymore. (yes but describe how explain perspective) It really is devastating a child could possibly be harmed and abused so badly to a stage where they would turn to suicide as their simply option to discharge them from other suffering. Although Amir attempted to rescue Sohrab from battling, he happened to be the final straw.

(bit more discourse and softer transitions and you simply got it)

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